Chapter 24

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Ten Years Later

Angus Tuck's head bounced slightly against the window of the greyhound bus, and he suddenly woke from his nap. He looked at his wife, Mae, and she smiled at him. "Tuck, we're here!" She said, her voice squeaked with excitement. Angus blinked, looking out the window from the greyhound, Treegap was nothing like he remembered it. The buildings were all new, and were on both sides of the street. The road was paved, and the traffic lights were new and shiny.

"Come on Tuck!" She urged. "They said they would meet us at the diner." Tuck nodded his head, and followed Mae into the aisle of the bus. He handed Mae her bag, which she left on the seat, and they both shuffled out of the bus. Once on the sidewalk, Tuck looked around at the town. He hadn't been in Treegap in twenty years, but the layout of the street seemed similar somehow. He looked at the new row of building across the street, and the cold reality sunk in. That was where the woods used to be.

The spring was long gone now.

He sighed. It was for the better anyway. It's not natural for people not to die. "Tuck, are ya comin or not?" Mae urged. Tuck nodded and followed her into a tiny yellow diner across the street from the bus stop. The diner had a long table, and the waitresses rode Rollerblades as they served people their food. Tuck blushed at their short shirts, and then had to remind himself that these are different times.

"Ma!" a voice called out.

"Jesse!" Mae exclaimed, as she embraced her son. Jesse wore blue jeans and a white t-shirt, but looked the same as he did 100 years ago.

"And Winnie! Look at you, child!" She said, as she pulled Winnie in for a big hug. Winnie wore her hair pinned back out of her face, and a soft blue dress that billowed out slightly at the bottom.

"It's so wonderful to see you Mae!" Winnie said, smiling. Angus gave Jesse a hug as well, and kissed Winnie on her cheek.

"Now where's my other boy!" Mae asked.

"I'm here Ma." Miles said, walking into the diner. "Sorry I'm late." Mae hugged him tightly.

"No, we just got here as well." Mae said. She put her hands on his face, grinning. "Now! Where's the bride to be?" she asked. Miles smiled.

"She's with her friends today. You know how these things are." he said. Mae raised an eyebrow.

"But the weddin's tomorrow..." she looked at Miles, and then shook her head. "Ah, it will be alright. I'm just excited!" she said.

Miles grinned. "So am I. Shall we get a table?" They sat down at a booth, and Mae continued to gush over Claire's wedding, and reminisce about Winnie and Jesse's. 

"It was just the loveliest thing! Wasn't it Tuck?"

"Yes love, I was there." he said, chuckling.

Meanwhile, Winnie and Jesse sat at the edge of the booth, their heads lowered so that they could talk to each other privately. With their fingers entwined, they smiled as they talked about their upcoming trip to Paris. 

They were going to climb the Eiffel Tower.

When everybody finished their lunch, Winnie and Jesse were dying to show Angus and Mae a new film that was playing, so they all decided to go on to see it. Miles had seen it already and didn't want to go again, so he stayed behind to read the paper at the diner. As soon as everyone left, Miles reached into his inner coat pocket, and lightly brushed his fingers along the small glass bottles that he always kept there. Claire had decided not to drink the water after all, but he had decided to keep some for her, in case she changed her mind.

Miles sighed. She was getting married tomorrow. She was growing up. He hadn't realized he was staring off into space, until a waitress waved her hand in front of him. She looked to be about thirty, and her blond hair was tied up in a high ponytail. Her face was fresh and bright, and it made Miles immediately smile.

"Hello sir." She said. "See anything you like?"

Miles almost dropped his paper, and his cheeks turned red. He quickly picked up the menu, and looked back at the waitress. "Um, what is the Sally Sue Special?"

"Three slices of apple pie, topped with ice cream, caramel, and tons of cinnamon." she said with a smile.

"Sounds pretty unhealthy." Miles joked.

"Hey, no one lives forever." she said with a shrug. 

Miles laughed. "Right." he said. He stuck his hand out. "I'm Miles. Miles Tuck."

She smiled brightly and shook his hand. "I'm Sally." she said.

"Sally Sue?" he asked.

"No, Sue's the other waitress. The boss just called the special that." They both laughed.

"So, have you been to the new movie theaters?" Miles asked.

"Oh no, um, I'm new in town, so I don't really know where they are." She said

"Its off of 6th street and Washington boulevard." He said.

"Yeah I hear theres this great new film playing!"

"The Last Time I Saw Paris?"

"Yeah thats the one! I'm dying to see that!"

"Me too." Miles said.

She bit her lip,

"Actually, I uh, get off in five minutes. If you wanted to, maybe we could see it?" Miles had begun putting his paper away, but he suddenly froze, and looked at Sally. Her pencil was pressed against the notepad and she waited for a reply.

"I would be honored." 

Miles smiled as he watched Sally run off to complete her last orders, and he felt a warm confidence building up inside of him, that he hadn't felt for a long time. He hadn't realized it, but he was still lightly touching the bottles inside of his pocket. He looked out the window at the busy street, and saw a small toad sitting in the gutter. Despite the roaring cars, the toad seemed content bathing in the gutter water.

"Ready to go?" Sally called out. Miles quickly rose to his feet opened the door for Sally. They both walked out of the diner, and began their stroll down main street.

Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.
― Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting

The End.

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