Chapter 22

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Authors Note: Hey guys! I am so so sorry for the long wait! (over a month, wow.) But here is the newest chapter of Tuck Everlasting! I really hope that you enjoy it. Thank you so much for sticking with the story, and staying loyal to the adventures of the Tuck family. You guys, are amazing. Thank you. -Brittany


Winnie grunted as she was pushed down into a metal chair. Her hands were quickly handcuffed behind her back,and she shivered. The soldier who shoved her down took a step back to admire his handiwork. His face was round and sweaty and his blond hair stuck to his face. "You, no die?" he asked in broken English. Winnie's eyes grew wide, and she violently shook her head.

"No! I mean, yes, I can die!" she protested, afraid that he would test her immortality. She wiggled her hands, banging the handcuffs against the chair. This was so frustrating! She hated feeling weak! "Please, where is Jesse??" She asked desperately. The man ignored her and took a few steps to a metal table. Winnie took this opportunity to look around the room she was in. Well, actually, it was a tent. Small and bright, with a dirt floor, yet it felt claustrophobic . There was a large desk covered in papers, and a small makeshift bed in the corner. Winnie had a feeling she wouldn't be here long enough to get comfortable.

She then noticed what was on the metal table that the soldier was so interested in. Her blood ran cold. 

Knives. Pliers. Saws. All sorts of medical equipment lay on the table, things that Winnie once used to treat the wounded. When she saw them laying there on the table, with that horrible smirk playing on the edge of the soldiers lips, she knew. These tools would not be used for healing.

She looked around desperately, wiggling her hands even more. She had to get out! She had to find Jesse! She had to warn Miles! She had to-

Her hair was suddenly yanked back and she stared into the icy eyes of the soldier who stood above her. She felt cold steel against her throat, and she gulped. How had she been caught so off guard? she scolded herself. She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the horrible feeling of the knife slicing into her skin. She waited a moment, holding her breath.

"If you value your life, you will drop your weapon, and step aside." A low voice growled. Winnie's eyes shot open, and she raised her head slightly to see what was happening.  She then stared in awe at a large man dressed in a Nazi uniform. His hair was bright red and was spilling out from his cap, but his eyes were squinted and determined. He was pointing a Lugar at the soldier's head as he walked to the metal table, never looking away from the soldier. 

"I said drop it!" The soldier still remained frozen, the knife hovering over Winnie's neck. The red haired soldier gestured his head toward the corner of the tent, and the nazi understood. He threw the knife on the ground and backed away to where the man indicated.

The red haired soldier brushed his hand around the table, lightly touching the instruments until he found the one he was looking for. "Aha!" he said, as he triumphantly held up a small key. He rushed over to Winnie, still keeping an eye on the soldier, and quickly began unlocking her handcuffs.

"What-" Winnie stammered, "Who, are you? What is going on?" she asked. The soldier finished unlocking her handcuffs and they fell into his hand. Winnie rubbed her sore wrists as she rose to her feet, surveying the red haired soldier. He walked toward the Nazi and hoisted him to his feet by his jacket.

"My name is Bill." he said, "Friend of Miles," he shoved the Nazi down onto the chair that Winnie had been sitting in, and began to handcuff him to the chair. 

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