Chapter 17

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"Can't we ever relax without the Nazis showing up?" Jesse panted as they hurried away from their campsite. Winnie had been thinking the same thing. Miles rolled his eyes, and Jesse pointed in the direction of the river.

"We could cross the river." He suggested. "The dogs will lose our scent that way." Miles immediately shot Winnie a worried glance, which Jesse didn't miss. "What is it?" he asked. Winnie opened her mouth to answer, but Miles stepped in.

"Winnie can't swim." He said. Winnie's cheeks flushed pink, before she quickly chimed in.

"We were by the river earlier." She said. "It didn't seem too deep, and the current was slow." Jesse smiled at Winnie, forgetting their imminent danger.

"You could hold on to me, and I could pull you across anyway." He said with a wink. Winnie smiled and nodded, as they hurried toward the stream.

Once they reached the edge of the water, they paused, listening for the sound of the approaching dogs. They still sounded distant. "What if they know that we cross? Won't they lose our trail here and then figure out that we crossed the river?" Winnie asked. She looked at Miles for an answer, but saw him staring into the woods across the river.

"Miles?" Jesse asked. Miles raised his hand toward his brother's face and made a "Shh" sound, and Jesse squinted into the woods where Miles was looking.

"What is it?" Jesse asked. Winnie squinted too, but she didn't see anything. Miles still stared into the woods, his hand still raised. 

Suddenly, Miles eyes grew wide, and he was quickly on the ground rummaging through his bag. "Where is it, where is it.." he chanted to himself. Jesse and Winnie exchanged a confused glance before Miles rose triumphantly to his feet.

He held a large black flashlight in his hand that he must have gotten from the army. He smiled at Jesse and Winnie, and said, "Watch this."

He held his flashlight toward the woods across the river, and he flicked it on. Then off. He did that three times quickly, then three times slowly, and then three times quickly again. Winnie and Jesse held their breath, wondering what he was doing, when suddenly, a round light shone from across the river.

Miles grinned, and grabbed Winnie and Jesse's arms. "Lets go." he said. They splashed across the river, realizing that it was deeper than they initially thought.

"Wait, Miles, what is going on? Who's there?" Jesse asked. Winnie gasped as the water came up to her belly. It was freezing cold, but Miles kept pushing them forward.

"Allies." he replied. Winnie suddenly grinned as well, and she began tugging on Jesse's arm to get him to walk faster.  Once they reached the edge of the river, they climbed out, shivering from their wet clothes.

"We are Americans!" Miles said loudly. He raised his arms over his head, and Jesse and Winnie quickly copied him.

A few branches moved apart, and a young man in American uniform pushed his way toward them. He kept his rifle pointed in their direction, and cautiously walked up to them.

"Hundred and third airborne." Miles said, lowering his arms and saluting the soldier. The soldier lowered his rifle, and saluted back at Miles.

"327th Gilder Infantry Regiment." the soldier replied. He turned to Winnie, and looked her up and down. She suddenly worried about how her dress was clinging to her body, so she crossed her arms. 

"Winnie Forster, Army Nurse Corps. I was stationed in Mortainais." She said, teeth chattering. He shook her hand, and then turned to Jesse, who stuffed his hands in his pockets. 

"Um, Jesse Tuck. From Treegap." He said, bouncing on his toes. The soldier pushed his helmet back from his face, and Winnie saw that he looked to be about 19. His face was covered in black camoflague, but he still appeared to be handsome. He shook hands with Jesse, slinging his rifle over his shoulder.

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