Chapter 15

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"Death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be." - Steve Jobs

"Eric." Miles finally whispered after half an hour of silence. Winnie and Jesse exchanged a glance, but didn't respond. The fallen leaves crunched under their shoes as they made their way deeper into the woods, remaining silent. They each thought about their burdens, and their faults. Each of them blaming themselves for what had happened. 

"If only I had stayed in Treegap." Winnie thought. "If only I had let the spring water slip from my fingers." but she quickly shook that thought away. It was done. She looked at Jesse from the corner of her eye, and her previous feeling of regret was pushed away, somewhere where it would be hidden from mind. 

They walked for a while longer, watching the sun sink into the horizon, when Winnie felt a familiar pang in her stomach. She decided not to say anything, but a small rumbling sound quickly gave her away. 

Jesse nudged Miles. "I think we should stop for the night." he said. "Maybe look for some food as well." Miles took in their surroundings. They were surrounded by tall trees that had begun shedding their leaves, and various bushes. He could hear a stream from not too far away.

"Alright." Miles answered. He had been carrying a small bag slung on his shoulder, and he tossed it to the ground. He turned to Winnie and said, "I have some matches in there, and a canteen. I will go see if I can find anything to eat. Can you build a fire?" Winnie raised an eyebrow and gave a short nod. "Good. Jesse, what will you do?" he asked. Jesse shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I think I should stay here with Winnie. To help her with the fire." he said. Miles rolled his eyes, and raised his hands.

"She will be fine. You should probably look for some water. I can hear a stream, so it's probably not far." Miles said as he began walking away from camp, Eric's rifle in hand. Jesse kicked some dirt with his shoe, and then turned to Winnie, who had already begun gathering sticks for the fire. 

"I hate when he tells me what to do." he admitted. Winnie smiled, suppressing a giggle. She quickly caught herself, remembering the events that had happened earlier. She turned away from him with tears forming in her eyes. Jesse was quick to notice.

He walked behind her and tenderly wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him. He rested his cheek against hers, and Winnie closed her eyes, letting the tears roll silently down. She felt Jesse's warm hand brush away her tears. 

They stayed like that for a moment, listening to the sounds of their heartbeats, then Jesse whispered, "I am so sorry."

Winnie opened her eyes and glanced at him without moving. She wanted to stay like this for as long as possible. "What for?" she asked softly. He brushed away another tear.

"For convincing you to drink from the spring." he said. "It was selfish of me. I never should ha-" Winnie suddenly turned her head and delivered a tender kiss to his lips. Then, just as suddenly, she pulled away. They locked eyes and, dropping the firewood, she turned to face him as he caressed her neck with his hands and pulled her in for another kiss.

After a while, she pulled away, "I really should get started with the fire." she said. Jesse playfully pulled her back to him and rocked her back and forth.

"Come to the stream with me." he said. "There is probably wood down there." She nodded, and they both walked into the woods, following the sound of the stream. Winnie was careful to remember the way they had come from by memorizing certain trees and bushes.

By the time they reached the stream, the sky was streaked with orange and pink hues. Jesse picked up a flat stone and threw it into the water. It only skipped once before sinking down. Winnie began to pick up more sticks, while Jesse crouched by the stream, filling the canteen. When he finished, he rose to his feet and looked at Winnie.

"Winnie Foster?" he said. She stopped and watched him as he ran a hand through his hair. "Do you remember the last thing I said to you, before I had to leave?" Winnie bit her lip and nodded. She remembered.

Jesse nodded too. "I told you, that I would love you until the day that I die." he walked toward Winnie. "And Winnie, that is still true." he stood in front of her. "I love you. I always have, and I always will." He held out his hand, and she placed hers into it. "And now, we are together again! We could be together forever if we wanted! I mean, well, I want to very much..." Winnie smiled and squeezed his hand.

"What I'm trying to say is," he got down on one knee, and Winnie's heart beat wildly in her chest. "Winnie Foster. Will you marry me?"

Authors Note: 

Also, I was interviewed for Watty_Corner! So if you would like to check out the interview, just follow this link here. >

Have a great weekend!! -Brit

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