Chapter 16

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Winnie's jaw dropped as the trees around her began to blur. She mouth slowly turned into a wide grin, and she wildly nodded her head up and down. Jesse, who had been holding his breath, leapt to his feet and lifted Winnie into the air.

"Yes?" He said, bursting with laughter. She nodded again, her eyes filling with tears as she laughed with him.

"Yes Jesse Tuck!" She squealed. "Of course I will marry you!" 

Jesse grinned at her and spun her around again, whooping at the top of his lungs. As she was being spun by Jesse, she was reminded of the feeling of being weightless. She wrapped her arms around his neck and showered him with kisses. He stopped spinning, and slowly lowered Winnie to the ground.

Jesse bit his lip, looking at Winnie in a way that made her feel more beautiful than a Hollywood starlet. He brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, and raised his eyebrows. Winnie's cheeks turned pink, and she looked away from him at the river. Sitting on a small rock by the edge, was a small brown toad. She watched it plop into the water, before she turned back to Jesse. He pulled her close to him, and they stayed for a moment in each others arms, feeling their warmth.

"I can't wait to tell Miles." Jesse muttered. Miles! Oh no! Winnie thought. She quickly broke away from Jesse, and looked at the pile of firewood she had gathered. It was very small, but she hoped it would hold off. The sun had almost completely disappeared into the horizon.

"Oh no! We have to get back!" Winnie said. "Miles will be furious if the fire hasn't started!" They both paused and looked at each other. Holding back laughter, they quickly leapt into action, gathering the canteen and all the wood they could get their hands on. Jesse laughed and bounced on his feet as he stood at the edge of the tree line.

"Come on, come on!" he coaxed, as Winnie gathered the last of her wood. Shaking her head and flinging a stick at him, they both ran into the woods to try to make it back to the camp before Miles.

The woods were already dark, and Winnie had a hard time remembering the way they had come from. After a few minutes of wandering, they finally found their path and hustled back to camp. Pushing through the last tree branches, they suddenly halted, seeing a small fire already burning. Winnie gulped.

They timidly walked into their campsite, to see Miles tending to the small fire. He shook his head when he saw them. "I was afraid for a minute that the Nazi's found you." he said. Winnie and Jesse sat beside the warm fire. "But then, I remembered that I was stupid enough to leave you two alone together." He laughed, and Winnie handed him her pile of firewood.

"Thank you." he said. He looked at Jesse, and Jesse handed him the canteen. "Wonderful." Miles stated. He reached behind him and held up a dead, grey rabbit. Winnie's hand flew to her mouth.

"Oh Miles," she said. Miles shook his head.

"No Winnie, don't you be thinking bad thoughts about me!" he said. "We need him for food." Winnie looked at the ground and picked up a small stick.

"I know," she said. "Still." Miles shrugged and began to prepare dinner. All the while, Jesse and Winnie nudged each other, each gesturing their hands toward Miles.

"You tell him!" Winnie whispered. Jesse nudged her with his foot.

"No you!" He argued with a smile on his face.

"He's your brother!"

"He likes you better!"

"Does not!"

"Tell him!"

"You tell him!" 

"What are you children bickering about?" Miles asked, seeing Winnie and Jesse pushing each other. Jesse sheepishly smiled at Miles, and Miles held up his hands. "Woah," he warned, "What did you do?" Jesse sighed, and held Winnie's hand.

"I uh," Jesse ran a hand through his hair. "Winnie and I are getting married." Winnie beamed with excitement. Miles looked at them dumbfounded.

For a moment they were silent. Winnie began to worry, "What if he is mad a us for being able to have the life he couldn't? What if he still resents me for drinking the water? What if he doesn't want me to be part of the family?"

Miles suddenly grinned. "Took you long enough!" he said. Winnie sighed of relief as she watched Miles pull Jesse into a hug. He then turned to Winnie and did the same thing. While he was hugging her, he took her left hand and examined it.

"No ring?" he asked. He glanced at Jesse, who chewed on his lip and shook his head. He turned back to Winnie and said, "If you two are engaged, your going to need a ring." She raised an eyebrow, but then looked at her feet. Miles stared at her for a minute.

He ran his hand through his hair, like Jesse often does, contemplating. He breathed in deeply, and reached into his shirt pocket, producing a small golden ring. The stone was simple and small, but it still took Winnie's breath away. He turned to Jesse, holding the ring, and extended it to him. "Take it." he said. Jesse looked at Winnie, and took a step back.

"That's your wife's ring." Jesse said cautiously. Miles took a step forward, still holding the ring out to him.

"She would want you to have it." Miles said softly. He touched the stone, and a look of recognition passed over his face as he thought about his old life. He cleared his throat. "Plus, ma would want me to give it to you." He turned his face coyly, "And you don't want to disappoint ma, do you?"

Jesse smiled and embraced his brother tightly. Jesse then turned to Winnie, and lifted her hand to his lips. He gently kissed her fingers, and then slid the ring onto her finger. It fit perfectly. She looked at Miles in surprise, and he smiled at her. Then, she turned back to Jesse and wrapped her arms around him once again.

While Jesse and Winnie embraced each other, Miles turned back to the fire. He closed his eyes, and saw his little wife standing before him. He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers, gently touching her wedding ring. Her cheeks were pink and soft, and she looked at him adoringly. So youthful. So much life ahead of her. Ready to begin a family with him.

Opening his eyes, Miles stared into the empty woods. He placed his hand over his heart, feeling just as empty. Then, he heard the soft sounds of Winnie and Jesse's murmuring. Smiling to himself, he brushed away the small tear that slid down his cheek. He was happy for Jesse. Truly happy. He deserved this happiness...

A distant barking suddenly caused their heads to turn towards the dark woods. Winnie's heart pounded in her chest, and she silently cursed their luck. Ignoring the rumbling in their stomachs, they quickly leapt to their feet. Stomping out the fire, Miles shook his head and looked at Jesse and Winnie.

"Time to go." he said.

Tuck Everlasting, The Continued Story.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon