f o u r

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For Cade the model Stephen James, except for the tattoos on his head and neck.(his tattoos are suppose to peek out of shirt not go up to his jawbone.) Also I picture him a couple skin tones darker.
I am still undecided on who I picture Eve As.

I just want to state, I have gotten a lot of support over the last couple of weeks and I appreciate every read, vote, comment, etc. Please enjoy this chapter.

xoxo, anonblonde


Cade's motor cycle engine cut off and he pulled his helmet off. His black leather jacket was worn and it looked good on him. The contrast of the colors on his neck and hands was showing with the flicker of the street light. He ran his fingers through his hair and placed the helmet on the handle of his bike. I watched him like a predator as he lifted his leg over the bike and began to walk towards me. His smile was beaming as he knew something I didn't. He approached me and came to stand less than two feet in front of me. My eyes traveled from his chest up to the colorful tattoos peeking out of his shirt collar. To the eyes that seemed alive and happy. His smile was pearly white and it eventually settled into a smirk.

"You wanna go up to your room? We need to talk." I was cut off and my eyes snapped up to his.

"I have a roommate. She won't like it." I mumbled embarrassed as I had been caught staring.

"10 dollars she isn't there." Cade said as he walked to the elevator.


"I'm not giving you ten dollars by the way." Cade said as he was sitting in a chair in my room. I rolled my eyes as I was pretending to read through notes I had took in class. "I really just wanted an excuse to see where you lived." He said beaming at me. What was up with that? Why was he smiling at me? Why was he talking to me? I thought he hated me?

"So why are you here cade?" I said closing the journal. I looked at him and he looked around my room.

"I wanted to see where the magic happens." He let out with a sigh.

"Cool. Amazing. You haven't talked no- even acknowledged me in a month. What's the real reason you're here?" I breathed out.

He looked at me in the eye, smiled, then laughed. It was driving me crazy. I wasn't sure if it was the way his tan skin crinkled around his eyes when he laughed or how he thought this situation was funny in some way that was driving me up the wall.

"Your friend Amanda? She got ahold of me earlier today. Said she was a good friend from back home, heard some stories about me." My eyes widened and at that moment I decided I wanted to choke Amanda. His eyes flickered and he smiled as if the devil was inside him. "She said the reason you're pushing me away is because you like me." He said proudly and full of arrogance. I wasn't sure if I choked on my spit or pure air but a cough racked my body along with the need for air.

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