t h i r t e e n

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Im not gonna make some long and heartfelt intro about why I've been gone for so so so so so long but! I will at the end. Stay tuned for the end of the chapter and enjoy ♡♡♡♡
Your favorite anon


I gawk at the small sun on his ankle.

"You motherfuc-" I begin.

"Listen Eve. You shine in the light and I shine in the dark. We both have something to rember each other by." Cade's eyes are glistening and his smug has turned into a smile.

I stand there looking at the shaven piece of leg. There is a small sun decorating his ankle. Just a simple circle with lines no bigger than a quater. I look at the empty moon on my own skin and feel small butterflies in my stomach.

He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my neck, placing his lips into my hair.

"Happy birthday sweetheart." He whispers. I wrap my arms around his torso, inhaling his scent.

"You're so extra." My voice is muffled by the fabric of his tshirt.

He chuckles and kisses the top of my head.


Once in the car, Cade is typing on his second phone at an unreal speed.

"Fůck." He mumbles while running his hands through his hair. "I'm gonna ask something of you and you can say yes or no my feelings won't be hurt. I just don't want you to feel like too much is happening at one time and-"

"What is it?" I ask reluctantly.

"You wanna go to my parents ball tonight? I'll buy you a dress and shoes but I just need you to go so they don't have me take my cousin-"

"Say no more, I'll go happily." I smile and take his hand into mine. I'm ready to meet his parents as he has already met mine, and I don't want him to go with a cousin.

"You're amazing." He kisses my hand and pulls out of the parking lot.

"So what type of ball is it? What should I really wear?" I ask as he's driving.

"It's very formal. You're going to wear black, so we can match. Nice makeup and jewelry. It's a gathering between them and all of their rich friends." I scrunch my brows up at the new information.

"I didn't know you were rich?" I wonder why he races for money.

"I'm not rich, my parents are." He says coldly.

I attempt to quickly change the subject," What type of gown do you think I would look good in?"

He smiles and shakes his head.

"You would look gorgeous in rags. Don't stress it."

"But I'm not wearing rags, im wearing a gown... and I want to know if-"

He takes a sharp turn, causing me to grip my seatbelt.

"Then we can go shopping now, on your day off." Cade smiles.


We pull in to the parking spot and Cade cuts off the engine.

I open my door and step out of the car. I look at all the sparkling dresses in the window of the boutique.

"Cade, theese look really expensive. This ball must be no joke..." He looks tense and shrugs.

"My parents are a pain in my ass I swear.... I hate these balls that they have." He rolls his eyes and locks his car doors. "Everyone shows up just trying to outdo one another. Its a waste of money and time, but when you have both why not?"

Craving The CurvesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora