Bangtan boys *^* ~ Jungkook - Just like a star

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"You're coming back right?" Jungkook followed me around as I packed my things, I shrugged and finally sat down on my bed, gesturing for him to sit next to me. His endless questions weren't exactly getting on my nerves but I really wanted him to stop, I had to leave, it was my dream we were talking about. Part of me and my feelings for Jungkook wanted me to stay, but I'm 15 and really at my age, a company wanting me to train and perform with them was a big thing.

"I want to say I'll be back soon Jungkook, but I'm not sure." I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder, there wasn't anything left to be said, I was leaving in two days and he was to stay here in Seoul South Korea to follow his own personal dreams. He was training with BigHit entertainment, he was young, 14 and was really the full package. He could dance, rap and sing. He leaned his head on mine and sighed. "You won't forget me right?" Jungkook broke the silence. I moved away from him and hit his forehead lightly. "How could I forget you? Now, help me take these down stairs?" I pointed to the boxes at the side of my bed.

    He smiled and helped me, his dazzling smile was probably the thing I was going to miss most. I wouldn't forget about him, I couldn't.

                                                                     - A year later -

    I walked around the airport, my hands on my backpack straps and on my toes trying to look for NamJoon who had promised to pick me up. I jumped at the touch of a hand around mine, NamJoon smiled, his sunglasses on and his cool demeanor really made me realize that NamJoon looked different, which meant the other boys did too.

"NamJoon!!" I laughed and hugged him. He stumbled back laughing, hugging me back. After the hug he helped me with the luggage and tugged it to the company car.

"Lexi!!!" I heard Jimin before I saw him, he tackled me in the car, suffocating me with a hug. He ad gotten much stronger, and his arms were toned and I could tell he had been working out.

"Hey Jimin!" I smiled and settled down in between the boys. They talked about how different life was, how busy and fun it was. The fans were called ARMY and they loved them deeply, it was nice seeing how their faces lit up from the mention of the performances. I knew how they felt, the performances I've been on sent me such a high, it was really perfect, the feeling, the cheers all of it was something like a drug.

 "Are you hungry? Yah!! Hyun we should eat chiken rice!!" Jimin cheered. NamJoon laughed and shook his head, "Whats with you and Chicken rice, kid?" I smiled at them, things really have changed haven't they?

"Lexi!!" Jin hugged me first when I got off the black van. Taehyun helped with my bags as well as YoonGi. I hugged him back and my eyes landed on a dazzling smile that I truly missed. I pulled away from Jin and approached Jungkook. He grew taller, he had his hair styled and he just looked much older. We paused in front of one another, smiled and embraced each other. His arms wrapping around me, "I missed you so much Lexi."

    I bit down on my lip to keep me from crying, I had missed him so much, his laugh, his humor... I sighed and clung onto him, not wanting to let go of him.

Yoongi patted my back, making us pull apart. "Come on, you must me hungry, Jin made Chicken rice."

"What he did!?? Whooo!!!" Jimin ran for the door, sprinting to get some of his beloved Chicken rice. Taehyun and Yoongi shook their heads and walked inside next. "Don't be out here too long kids." NamJoon chuckled at our blushes and followed them inside. I smiled and grabbed his hand, it was obvious that we still had feelings for each other, the soft glances, the shaky breathing, the heart racing. At least, I had thought there was something mutual, or I had hoped.

      Jungkook smiled and we walked hand in hand to the dorm room. J-Hope smiled and hugged me once inside. "Hey Lexi!" He rubbed my back and pulled away to join the other five boys who were killing each other for their share of Jin's cooking.

"Let me show you your room!" Jungkook exclaimed. "I know you said you were only staying in the dorms for a week til your house was ready, but we really went all out." He pulled my hand to a light pink room, the walls were decorated with pictures of Bangtan and I, all of them a year old.

"Wow.. seriously? Jungkook?" I laughed and spun around, taking in the whole room. "It was really thoughtfull of you guys too do this, but yeah it is a lot. I mean I could have slept on the couch, I wouldn't have minded. Thank you though." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

   I pulled back smiling, but it soon faded. He was blushing madly, looking down at the floor, his eyes then looked at me. The moment became serious, the space between us wasn't much, a couple of inches. Jungkook's eyes filled with nervousness and shyness, he leaned in quickly, our lips bumping into a  peck. He immediately pulled back, he turned hiding his deep red blush.

"Yah you kids coming or what?" Jin asked popping his head through the door.

"We're going hyun." Jungkook mumbled and scratched the back of his head, Jin chuckled and nodded going back to the rest of BTS.

"Um.. that.. we should.. go.." I said pointing to the door and made my way to it. Jungkook touched my hand gently, making me stop and turn back to him.

"I... I like you and that Kiss meant a lot to me." Jungkook said slowly.

I smiled and kissed his cheek, "I'm glad I came back."

    He smiled with me and we sat next to each other, eating quietly and exchanging looks, going unnoticed by the older boys. Jungkook hesitantly held my hand under the table, I blushed and held back a small gasp. I looked down and interlocked our fingers together smiling brightly.

    After dinner, the boys all bid us a good night leaving me and Jungkook with a ton of sweets. We laughed to a funny movie and eventually we went out to the terris, to look at the stars. I smiled and leaned on the railing, seeing the night sky being illuminated by the stars.

"Just like a star~" Jungkook sang laughing.

"Your pre-debut song with NamJoon right?" I said looking to the side at him.

"Yeah." He nodded and returned the gaze. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder, we stayed quiet, just looked at the shining bright little lights that filled the midnight sky. I sighed and looked up at him, "I like you too Jungkook."

   Jungkook looked down at me, his face shocked for a second before his smile came out, we returned to look at the view, and we knew our feelings, the mutual connection under the stars.

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