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"Where are you talking me, Lee Joon?" You said as you walked blindly to a place where your boyfriend was taking you. He wanted to make it a surprise so he blindfolded you. 

"It's a surpise." He whispered in your ear. He's was in back of you, holding both your hands, and was leading you to a secret place.

You and Lee Joon have been seeing each other for the past 5 months. Joon told you that he had something to show you after you finished your dinner at a fancy restaurant. Your dying from the curiosity. You wanted to know what it was. 

"Just a little bit more." He said in your ear again. 

You took a couple of more steps, you felt him stop you. Joon let go of your hands and walked away from you. You pulled your hands down to your sides and you tried to hear what he's doing, but you heard nothing. Curious your hands went up to your blind fold, but a pair of hands stopped you. 

"Not yet," His voice said in your ear. He placed his hands on your hips and pushed you forward then stopped you. "Now." 

You pulled the blindfold over you head, you realized you were at a small lake, at the edge of the water, there was a blue blanket that was lined with little boats on one side. The moon shone off the water, making the scenery even more beautiful. 

"Joon- oppa, this is amazing." You said a bit breathless. 

He blushed and looked down. "I was hoping you'd like it." He smiled and slipped his fingers through yours, he guided you to the blanket. You both sat down. 

"What are these for?" You asked while holding up a pink paper boat. 

"These," He took the boat from you. "they're are for writing confessions to one another, then we'll let them float away, then everyone will know what we feel for one another." He smiled. 

"Um...I don't want to rain on your parade, Joonie-oppa, but don't you realize that they probably sink with in a couple yards." You said smiling. 

Joon frowned for a moment realizing it too, you let out a soft chuckle, then he smiled and leaned into you, 'Well at least, you'll know how I feel about you." 

"And how do you feel about me?" You said as you leaned in too. 

"You'll see." He smiled and leaned back. He handed you a pencil, "Write what you feel about me." 

You picked out your favorite colored boat and started to write. You started to list everything you love about the boy in front of you, who was writing into another paper boat. He was focused into the paper and didn't notice you starring at him. You kept saying that you were lucky just to have a man like him for a boy friend. You smiled and continued to write. 

"Are you finished?" Joon asked. 

You finished your last thought, and nodded. "So now what?"

"We read them to one another." He smiled. "You first." 

"Okay. Well, Joonie, you're the greatest person in my life, no one understands me more than you do, I never want to lose you because you're the greatest thing in my life, I feel like I can be myself with you, I have to thank you for being so kind to me and you're always there for me. " You stopped and looked up at him. " and yeah." You smiled and nodded. 

"Wow, is that what you really think of me,  Jagiya?" Joon said while he looked at you serious. 

You nodded. 

"Well, it's my turn." He cleared his throat and lifted up the boat to read it to you, you smiled at him. He smiled shly, showing those cute dimples.  "My beautiful girl, I don't know what I'd do without you, theres so many words to explain the mass adoration I have for you but really, there is only one thing to say." Joon stopped reading and looked up at you. "I love you." 

You stared at him, shocked by what he told you. 

I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. 

His words rang in your head, you didn't respond for a couple of seconds. He frowned, "What is it, Jagiya? Do you not love me, too?" 

 "No!" You said quickly. "I do love you, Joonie-oppa. It's just, you caught me off gaurd." You laughed lightly and looked away. 

"Well, let's?" He points at the water. You nod and lean into the waters edge, you both place the boats on the water, giving them a little push they both start to float away. To your surprise they don't sink, they keep going till you both couldn't see them any more. 

Joon turned to you and touched your face, tracing your jawline with his finger tips. His eyes never leave yours. He then cups your left side of the your face and leans into you. Right before his lips touch yours, he whispers, "I love you." You smile in between his sweet kisses. 

You pulled away smiling like you've never smiled before. "I love you, too, Joonie-oppa." 

Joon started to put the rest of the boats in the water, but they sink within a yard into the lake. You looked at Joon shocked. You're boats lasted until they couldn't be seen. 

"See Jagiya, we're meant to be togehter." Joon said as he noticed how your boats surived a long time and how the other didn't last. 

You blushed. 

"Well,______-ah, it's getting late, we should get you home." Joon stood up and helped you up. You gathered the things and walked hand in hand to your apartment. It's a bit cold out, so you started to rub your arm, trying to put warmth in it. 

"Cold?" Joon toke his light sweater off, leaving him in a white v-neck, and he put his sweater on your shoulders. Enjoying the new warmth, you tugged the sweater so it could cover you more.

You ended up at your step, you smiled and handed his sweater back to him. "Thanks for today, I really enjoyed it." You said.

"I enjoy anyday that I get to have with you." Joon said sweetly. 

You smiled and pulled him close to you, wrapping your arms around his neck, you started to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around your waist, he pulled you even closer to him. His kisses go from sweet to long and passionate. You smiled and pulled away. "It's late and you need to get up early tomorrow." 

Joon groaned. "No, it's okay, I rather kiss you than sleep." He leaned into you agian, but you back out of his arms. 

"Joonie-oppa, you need your sleep, you can't go and perform tomorrow night cranky." You told him. 

He sighed and nodded. "Alright." 

You smiled and waved bye at him. You go up to your door and put the key in, when your about to open your door, you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. Joon laid his head on your shoulder. 

"Didn't I tell you to go home?" You said chuckling. 

"I don't want to say good bye just yet." Joon turned you around and began to kiss you again. You let him kiss you for while before you again pushed him away. "Go!" You point to the street, of course you still want him to stay a little longer, or to even stay the night, but he has work early the next day. 

Joon smiled lazily and let go of you. "I'll call you tomorrow." He said as he went down the steps. 

"Bye, night." You said and watched him put his sweater on, put his hood up and tucked his hands into his jacket pockets. 

You smiled and went inside your apartment. Before you even have a chance to close the door your phone started to ring. You sighed and closed the door before reaching in your pocket for your phone.

            It's Joon. 

"Hello?" You said, smiling. 

"Hey!" Joon said happily. 

"Joon, why are you calling me?" You said.  

"Well, didn't I say I'd call you tomorrow?" Joon pointed out. You frowned and walked to your kitchen to see the time. You smiled at the digital clock that was on your counter. 

The digital clock read: 

12:00 am (: 

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