BLOCK B - ZICO~ I'll treat you better next time

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You look at the digital clock that was placed on the small, wooded night stand besides your bed. The time read 4:58 am. Your boyfriend hadn't arrived from his party that you clearly weren't invited to, since it was his ex's birthday party. You trust Zico, so you didn't try to look naggy or clingy when he mentioned the party to you. You insisted that he should attend, since his ex and him were close friends. Now, looking at the digit clock in your room, you regret him going. He said he'll only stop by to say hello and it would be like he never left your room.

You sigh and decide to turn around, so your back was facing the clock. It was like it was teasing you, telling you how late he was. You shake your head and you try to clear it from any thoughts of him cheating on you. You're phone begins to ring, excited you think it's your oppa, you practically jump up and run over to your computer desk.

"Hello?" You say.

"Oh, Hey, ________. I didn't think you'd be still up." P.O-oppa says.

"Oh, hey, I wasn't trying to going to sleep really, I have so much homework, I don't see it ending any time soon." You lie.

"Oh, I keep forgetting you're still in high school." P.O. admits.

"Yeah, hanging out with you guys, I keep forgetting too." You smile and sit on your bed.

"Oh, well.. I'm going off topic, Zico is with me. Let's just say his night didn't really go well, he's staying at my place. I just wanted you to know that he's here and safe." P.O says.

"Oh, Zico! I completely forgot about that boy, right, um thank you." You say another lie.

"Oh, alright. Night!" P.O hangs up.

You sigh and throw your phone on the desk and you walk back to your bed. You ruffle up your hair before laying down again. You try to go to bed, managing to catch a couple of hours of sleep. You wake up the next morning and you get dressed for school, slipping on your uniform of a blue skirt, white blouse and blue blazer with a red tie. You quickly eat, say good bye to your parents and head for school.

Your mind wanders off to Zico the whole day. You can't get how P.O said Zico had a rough night. What had that meant? After school comes slowly. You run home and change quickly, waiting for Zico to come through the window as usual. You smile and run your finger through your hair trying to make it perfect for him. Yet the hours trickled by and he doesn't show up. You check your phone and see a missed text.

sorry, i can't go to your house today, i'm busy see you when i can  - Zico

You sigh and decide to go to bed. The week goes by and you haven't heard from him. You decide not to care much  for it, it's not like your world revolves around him. You can't feel weak over something as stupid as this.


You spin around and see it's Zico. He climbs into your room.

"Oh, hey." You say and turn back around and continue to do homework.

"Oh hey? That's all I get? Pst... I see how it is." Zico sits on your desk and begins to slide his fingers through your hair. You pull back from him and move to the bed.

"Why are you acting so weird?" Zico follows you to the bed.

"Me? Acting weird? Really?" You say.

"What?" Zico says.

"Aish! Zico, you're such an ass. You don't see me for weeks, you don't call, you don't text then you pop out of the blue and state that I'm the one acting weird!" You yell.

"Babe, I was working on my album last week, alright and I just found out last night that one of my friends is going to the army. I just didn't want you to see me sad. I thought that -" Zico shakes his head and looks the other way.

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