Chapter 33

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The Immortals


I looked at Caine out of the corner my eye. He was standing by the window looking out at the dark sky. Pretty much he was looking at nothing for the past two hours and it was making me uncomfortable. I was getting tired, but didn't sleep on Caine's orders.  I didn't understand why until Ryan knocked at our bedroom door at quarter to midnight.

Caine gave me a dark look before opening the door.

" Alpha Caine," Ryan bowed his head,"I'm sorry to bother you at this hour but you have been challenged."

Caine nodded grimly, " how many will have die tonight?"

Ryan visibly swallowed, " four. Alpha Daniel, Alpha Scott, Alpha Mathew... and Prince Chase."

What has he done now? I hopped off the bed, " Caine, why are they challenging you? What did you do?" I stood in front of him, my hands on my hips. Caine ran a hand through his hair. He looked flustered, a look that I had never before seen on his face.

" Put some clothes on, we're going outside," he said, Caine cupped my face and for a fleeting moment I thought he was going to kiss me, "hurry Lila." He walked past and out of our room.

Ryan waited for me. We stopped in the open space by the forest. Other wolves were just starting to trickle in. I glanced around, the girl from earlier- Lindsay was consoling and rubbing the back of one of the Lunas, she was crying, her sobs echoed through the open space.

By midnight the place was packed, out of nowhere, Alec came out and stood in the middle of the circle we had formed, he raised his hands.

" Everyone!" He yelled, " we are here to witness the challenges of four." He walked over and stood by Caine,  "Alpha Caine of the Black Night Warrior pack," there was some murmuring in the crowd, and a man was pushed into the center. He straitened up and stared at Caine.

" Alpha Daniel- Shadow East pack," Alec stepped back in the crowd and Caine stepped forward. This was a bad idea. Caine was going to kill him.

" Stop him!" I shouted at Ryan and tried to push my way through to get to Caine. Ryan grabbed me by the back of the shirt and pulled me into him, " You have to let him LIla," He said so only I could hear, "They challenged him. They know that means to the death. If you interfere, They're allowed to kill you."

I stopped struggling, knowing that he really was right. I turned towards the Caine and Daniel. Even though Daniel was a large man, I knew that there was no competition between them.

Caine grinned at Daniel, and he started to clench his fists.

" I'm going to kill you Caine," Daniel's threat could be heard loud and clear and I winced. Caine would rip him to shreds if he wanted to.

As Daniel lunged for his opponent, Caine stepped aside. In a swift moment, Caine had him by the neck, he punched him in the face. The audible crack of his nose making the crowd cringe.

Daniel swung and his fist made contact with Caine's jaw.

I saw stars and my own jaw started to ache. I watched Caine spit blood, he lunged at Daniel and they went to the ground. Punch after punch was thrown, until finally Caine grabbed Daniels head and twisted sharply to the side.

There was complete silence as Caine dropped Daniels body on the ground.

He spat again, " who's next," he said darkly, his eyes were black pits. In a moment he met my eyes, I looked down. My wolf was not immune to his show of dominance.

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