Lekha 5

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I did pranam and slowly approached her

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I did pranam and slowly approached her. She looked divine in the torchlight, which lined the walls of the terrace. I stood silently waiting for her to acknowledge me, as she stared at the beautiful starlit night which considering the winter season was quite clear of the fog. I was amazed to see the plethora of stars at night as compared to 2015, where it was impossible to get a similar view due to light and air pollution. I was awed by this magnificent display of the night sky.

My concentration was broken when I heard Mahadevi sa speak.

"I knew you would come... To reveal the truth about your sudden appearance. Although I had not anticipated it so soon." She said softly.

I stood with my mouth agape unable to construed how she could discern that I had lied, while no one else suspected me.

She smiled softly at me and said "I am a mother and can glean from the eyes of my children when they are lying"

"But why didn't you say so before," I said.

"It was a test of your loyalty towards me, when I took you in as a family member and my faith in my ability to read a person. So you see ... in a way both of us were giving a test. I am happy, that you proved me right. Now we just have to wait and see, how right."

I smiled shyly at her and felt this extreme urge to hug her for the show of faith but didn't for two reasons. Firstly, no matter how well she treated me she was royalty, and one doesn't go around hugging them even if I had done it before reflexively. Secondly, I still felt unsure about her reaction to what I was going to say.

Was she going to get angry and reject it as a lie and a breach of trust, or was she going to try to accept my words and maybe give me a little bit of understanding? The former was a more possible reaction because I myself was doubtful about the possibility of the situation I was in, even after the scrumptious meal. The only good thing that happened to me till now, not to sound too greedy.

"I would have liked to have spoken the truth in the first place, but I didn't think you will believe me. I myself am not so convinced by what had happened in the first place. I still think I am in a dream"

She looked at me thoughtfully and then giving a small smile said "Try me"

"Before I begin, I would just like to tell you that I mean no harm to you, to your kingdom, or to anybody else. Please keep into account that even I am baffled by the situation as much as you are. Lastly, if this is not a dream, I beg of you not to abandon me, as I have nowhere to go. I am willing to do anything you want ".

My voice had turned shaky and my eyes glimmered with tears of hopelessness at my situation. I took a deep breath to calm my palpating heart.

She nodded slightly to show that she had heard me but otherwise kept her face devoid of any emotions and then with a wave of her hand gestured me to begin.

Lekha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now