Lekha 76

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Even though the mehfil (song and dance programs) was being held separately for men and women, there was quite a crush in the verandah then last time, with ladies piling up in the side galleries. All the relatives, acquaintances and the village womenfolk which our parents could think of or knew had been invited. It was the first wedding of this generation for both the families. It was an overwhelming experience for me as even though I wasn't a blood relative, I was made to feel the part.

There were a few busybodies who tried to interrogate me as I came in, but I had my defenders always beside me to ward them off. I could feel the status 'my family' held in the society as nobody wanted to offend my parents, but then 'innocent' queries always had a way to pop up.

Just one more day to go I kept repeating in my head keeping my patience. Seeing the crowd my guilty conscience started to raise its ugly head. It was getting difficult to suppress it. Now I was more worried about the family reputation than my own heart. Not seeing Rudra seemed to have helped too. Accept for few moments when a feeling of nostalgia struck me, I was fine otherwise.

Last time it had been mostly close friends and relatives so the dances had been more of an intimate nature, but as the gathering apart from getting bigger now consisted of people from different sections of the society, professional singers and dancers had been called to entertain all.

Gossip was at its peak as the newcomers who were not immediate family were also there. I could even feel loads of eyes on me full of questions.

There was a sudden break in conversation all around and without even looking back I knew that Roopmati had entered.

"Do you know her?" Asked a curious bystander. Not answering was not an option and would have been considered rude as she was an elderly lady.

"Yes, she had arrived a few days ago" I said keeping it vague.

The sympathetic look I got from the woman made me want to shout 'Mind your own business. I know everything '.

The next moment she was whispering to her neighbour and then both turned to give me similar sympathetic looks.

Turning away from her I saw Roopmati approaching towards us and then she sat down near me giving me a smile. Thankfully Vaishali acted as a divider.

I had to hold Gayatri down discretely as she tried to make a move towards her in anger.


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"Maasa gave you all this jewellery?" Roopmati asked out of the blue as if it was a routine question.

"Who else?... She is her..."

Vasundhara was interrupted in between as Roopmati exclaimed in an apologetical voice "O sorry ... I meant Rudrasa's mother. I still call her that by mistake"

Roopmati's soft coyly given giggle after her statement pierced like a thorn through my heart, she had created the confusion on purpose.

I gave her a tight smile and turned towards Gayatri forbidding her to rise to the bait.

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