Lekha 83

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I was dragged to the roof terrace making me wonder if the assassin planned to kill me or kidnap me. My imagination ran wild with fear. I had seen some people do it in the movies as they jumped directly over their horses from the tall buildings. I had a sneaking suspicion that Roopmati was somehow involved in this but then she had just left in the morning, even she couldn't be that fast.

I struggled hard to make things difficult for my kidnapper but he was too strong for me. He carried me towards the backend of the terrace which mainly had the kitchen and the storerooms below it and since most of the family lived towards the front nobody would have been able to hear me even if I screamed loudly. The thought terrified me.

My eyes widened in surprise as I saw a mat spread on the floor. Somebody must have forgotten to pick it up I thought. All of a sudden I was free.

I quickly turned around to attack him but froze midway stuck in my karate kid pose.

I saw Rudra and he was taking deep breathes instead of panting which I consider an achievement in itself. I had struggled hard giving my captor the hardest time possible all through the two floors of stairs he had to climb holding me tight.

"You are such a wild cat and heavy," he said snapping me out of my reverie.

"You wanted me to go willing with the intruder who might have just killed me." I said in a sarcastic tone " plus I am not that heavy. You need to have more strength" I added.

"Why did you kidnap me," I asked still puzzled.

"Bringing one's wife to the terrace is not kidnapping"

"Wife ...? hmmp... I refuse to be called your wife... You married me by fraud and you brought me here by fraud. If you had been a decent person you would have requested me not kidnapped me" I said giving him a glare.

" You hate the prospect of being married to me," he asked cautiously as he approached me slowly, trying to take a closer look at my face.

Though he did look a bit menacing in the dark night lit only by the half-moon, I didn't scare me.

"Yes," I replied.

He just stood there staring at me silently. I wondered what he was thinking.

I suddenly remembered that I had been searching for him before he kidnapped me.

"Vaishali wants to leave too. I had been coming to inform you about that before..." I gestured towards him to silently say ' before you happened'.

"And you...?" He asked.

"What of me?" I asked confused.

"Are you planning to leave with them too."

I could see him concentrated fully on my face. I wondered what he was trying to decipher there.

"Me!... Why?... Do you want me to leave?" I counter questioned him.

Why was he questioning me in such an odd fashion?

"If you could ...would you leave?"

"Why are you asking me all this? Do you want me to leave so that you could pursue your unfulfilled love story again?"

I felt super angry as I said that. Angry that he had acted cowardly and not reclaimed his love when he had the chance and now wanted to use me again.

"Love story... Which love story?"

He had the audacity to appear surprised but this trick was not going to work on me again. I didn't want to take that girl's name but if he thought I was naive then only God could save him from my wrath.

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