Lekha 65

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I desperately wanted the journey to end as the cold war of sorts continued between Anil and Rudra. I felt all alone as Vaishali instead of being supportive seemed to be enjoying the situation by pouring oil into the fire with her excited chatter, consciously or unconsciously I couldn't discern from her innocent smile. She was the only person who enjoyed the whole ordeal.

Rudra seemed to make it a point not to let me be alone with my friends. I wondered if he was suspicious that I would blurt out our plan to them. Again, like before we stopped by the Dharamshala to rest the camels and eat our food, but this time it seemed quite lonesome without the hustle and bustle of the whole retinue. I showed my friends where I had drawn water from the well and also gave a demonstration. It was good that I had had quite a lot of practice during my stay, so the way I effortlessly drew the pot up got quite a heartfelt applause from both my friends. As I turned towards Rudra, I saw pride reflecting in his face making me confused.

I wondered why he was feeling proud of me, as he wasn't the one to teach all this to me. If he had been proud of how well I rode the horse or handled a sword I might have understood as he was my teacher, but pride in this seemed quite odd.

His men it seemed were quite resourceful and had arranged food for the return journey in such short time. Even Anil though still looking quite rebellious and glum seemed to enjoy the scrumptious food on the ecofriendly leaf plates, while I felt a fluttery kind of feeling in my tummy on re-living the experience which I had never thought I thought I would get to experience again.

Rudra was quite attentive towards me as he sat beside me and kept insisting that I have more food... quite motherly in fact I thought. Was he trying to show that all was back to normal to both my friends and his men, I wondered. This seemed to be having quite a bad effect on Anil as he kept sending glares at him while Vaishali seemed to be having a fit of giggles as if she just had her dose of the laughing gas. Then again, I wondered if all this was an act to get back at Anil. If yes then Rudra seemed to be doing a great job of it. As for me, I had to keep reminding myself that it was all for show and the reality would turn out to be lot worse.

It was the night camp which brought the battle out full throttle. I found both the 'boys' arguing heatedly at some distance from where the campfire had been built. I would have left them at it as I was feeling quite tired by then but I had felt the volcanoes simmer all throughout the day and the resultant explosion would have led to dreadful results. I dragged my tired feet towards the arguing duo with a deep sigh of frustration hoping it was just a 'gentle' argument. Unfortunately, it didn't seem so as I approached them.

"You are not married to her"


"Let's talk of present... future can be quite different ... who knows ...it just might be me who.."

"Silence..." roared Rudra.

"I will not be silent... I am in charge of her"

"I am her fiancé and am in charge of this whole expedition. I can ask my men to escort you back ... alone"

"I will not leave her..."

"What are you both arguing about?" I interrupted, making my presence known.

Both turned towards me with anger filled eyes. Rudra was the first one to mask his expressions but didn't utter a single word. Anil seemed to be relieved on seeing me just like a thwarted player on seeing the referee when he was on the verge of losing an argument.

"He wants you to sleep with him..." Anil blurted out angrily.

"What...?" My eyes turned as round as saucers as I gaped at Anil with disbelief and then at Rudra as he punched Anil on the face at that same moment.

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