Lekha 38

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Now that I had been banned from helping in the kitchen my lessons started quite early, that was after breakfast. After the incident the day before, I was a bit doubtful about how I would be received when I came out for my practice sessions. I was greeted by Suraj as I entered the practice ground. He showed me around the armory where all kinds of weapons were kept, explaining the use of all.

It seemed fooling around came naturally to him, so this time his props were the weapons which he handled / showed off with great skill. Then again he couldn't be faulted for that as he had an appreciative audience in me, looking wide eyed at everything and also giving his male ego a boost with exuberant praises. All of a sudden he stopped in between one stunt which he was showing using a spear and looked behind me sheepishly.

"You can make even the most unenthusiastic person take up arms in order to learn your kind of tricks" said Udai bhaisa smiling as he came towards us. I looked back towards him and saw Rudra standing right behind him. I had expected him to be thunderous to find me again with Suraj but he had his poker face on again.

"I was just demonstrating to Lekha how everything worked. It's always helpful to know when defending an attack" he said sheepishly trying to justify his cause. I just nodded my head in support not knowing what else to say being wary of Rudra's reaction.

Rudra gestured me to move ahead towards the practice ground with his face still showing no reaction. As I reached the field following him he handed me a wooden sword which I lifted with some difficulty though I tried not letting it reflect on my face. I could feel his eyes fill with amusement but he didn't even lift a finger to help me. He just started instructing me how to hold the sword and how to make a strike using another sword of his own.

"We will get a lighter and shorter wooden sword made for your practice but imagine that you have lost your sword in a tussle and all you can reach is another sword of a fallen soldier. Would you let the weight of the sword get you down or just pick it up to defend yourself?" he asked with his eyebrows raised a little later as he saw me struggle under the weight of the sword.

I bristled up at his words which indicated a subtle challenge thrown my way.

"I didn't ask for a customized sword. I will practice with this one here" I answered coldly, understanding the hidden barb behind his words. I realized that he might not have forgotten my display of martial arts the day before. I had thought that we had reached a certain level in our friendship after that smile he bestowed on me the day before.

He smirked at that and then out of the blue he asked "Why did you lie to me about your relation with Suraj".

I was taken aback by this sudden change of topic. I stared at him like a dumb person.

"Relation ...?" I repeated like a dim wit, my eyes rounding up in surprise.

"Yes, you said both of you loved each other" he said with his arms folded in front as if waiting to pounce on any lie I might sprout.

"I never said anything like that. You assumed and at that moment I was too angry to rectify your mistake" I said in an even tone, too tired of the topic to take the misunderstanding any further.

He stared at me for some time trying to process the information it seemed. He suddenly burst out laughing a full throaty laugh, making me wonder if he was trying to overcome his feelings and used laughter to vent out instead of anger, which I was expecting.

"Oh you... Oh you little minx. You took revenge on me for doubting you." he kept on laughing in between words. "That was indeed very clever of you."

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