Lekha 29

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I looked up to find that those were Rudra's hands which held my arms to help me down. I was shocked to see him up so close when I had expected him to have left with tausa's caravan. I stilled midway staring at him in surprise, while he looked at me with a bored expression. The time seemed to still for me as my heart fluttered with an unknown kind of joy.

"You can romance later with him. Right now make way for me to get down" said Vasundhara from behind.

My cheeks burnt at being caught in such an embarrassing situation and I scrambled down like a mad person to get out of the way. I would have fallen flat on the ground as my skirt got caught under my feet with all my mad rush, had not Rudra steadied me again.

"What's wrong with you girl? Haven't you learnt anything till now" growled Rudra softly, so that only I could hear him.

A painful lump formed in my throat as my eyes glazed with unshed tears. I quickly bent my head to hide my heated face. I walked towards where I thought the door was, as my sight was blinded by tears. A hand on my arm stopped me from moving but I tried to jerk it off thinking it to be Rudra again. My little heart wasn't ready for another set of lecture.

"Lekha... You are going the wrong way "said Udai bhaisa softly.

He stood there holding my arm for a minute giving me time to compose myself.

"He doesn't remember anything about the night dear. He is just annoyed as he woke up with a splitting headache" said bhaisa softly trying to calm me down. To an outsider it might have seemed like two people talking silently.

He gently led me inside the house. Maasa came hurrying towards us when she saw bhaisa holding me.

"What has happened to Lekha...? "she asked concerned.

"She just has a headache maasa and wants to lie down. Must be the heat... poor girl" said bhaisa saving me from further queries.

Maasa took charge of me, immediately by putting her arms around my shoulders as she fussed over me taking me to a room upstairs. I almost felt like an invalid but at that moment I needed the fuss to soothe the pain in my heart. I needed love and attention. I needed the comfort of knowing that I still had someone who loved me for who I was.

"Did something happen Lekha dear? You look so pale. Have you been crying?"asked maasa with concern ,as she made me lie on a bed.

"No maasa ... must be the heat and also wasn't able to sleep properly at night "I replied.

"Oh ... my poor child. You take rest here. I will sit by you" she said smoothing my head with her soft palm. I was almost ready to pour out all my hurt feelings to her but held back.

"It's alright maasa, you don't have to wait on me. I would just sleep a little and the headache will be better" I said. I wanted some lone time.

She kissed my forehead. "You take rest child. I will be nearby. Call me or Vasundhara if you need something" saying this, she left the room.

I turned my face away from the door and opened my eyes back again. Sleep was not the solution. The morning's rudeness was worse than his night's drunken rejection. I could find no excuse for him this time. Good I deserved it, for being a silly person. He couldn't stand the sight of me as I was the wall between him and his love.

Be a strong person Lekha, you are a strong girl of 21st century. You could not fall for such a rude person. You could actually do much better than him where men were concerned. You have to ignore him if you wish to survive here. God might have just planned this little adventure to bring a bit of action in your lonely life. Once back it would be easy to forget such arrogant people. Be concerned only about the good ones.

As I gave myself a pep talk to get me out of my gloomy mood, I heard footsteps hurrying towards my room. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

The footsteps suddenly stopped at my door it seemed as my back was towards it.

"Lekha..!" whispered Vasundhara softly."Are you awake?"

I turned around to find Vasundhara looking concernedly at me.

"I am awake dear" I said turning around.

"What happened to you? You had been alright in the carriage ... but mother said you had a severe headache."

"It's nothing to be concerned about... must be the restless night I had" I tried to explain.

"Did Rudra bhaisa say something to you?"

I just shook my head unable to utter another word.

"But... Udai bhaisa was... leave it, must be something else"

"What about Udai bhaisa?" I asked as my curiosity got the better of me. I had a good opportunity to bury the matter just by showing indifference but Rudra and Udai bhaisa's name together got my curiosity up.

"Well I couldn't hear anything much ... I was asked to call Rudra bhaisa by bapusa . When I went outside I saw Udai bhaisa pushing Rudra bhaisa angrily and shouting that he didn't deserve someone. I tried to put two and two together but I had been sighted. As I relayed my message Udai bhaisa went outside the courtyard in a huff, while Rudra bhaisa looked quite sullen as he went towards bapusa's room." She looked at me for a reaction but this time I remained impassive about the episode. She looked doubtful about the conclusion she had drawn about my involvement in the matter.

"I was a bit worried as I have never seen both of them angry with each other.... And it's almost unthinkable to even think about Udai bhaisa touching Rudra bhaisa in anger... but he did... I saw" said Vasundhara with wonder in her eyes, as if she couldn't believe what she saw.

It made me feel guilty immediately, as I knew that the fight had occurred because of me. I still couldn't reveal my thoughts to her as it would complicate matters.

"I don't know anything about the matter ... must be something personal... some boy thing"I lied, trying to divert her mind from connecting me with it.

"Must be that..." she said with doubt still in her voice. " You take rest dear. I was just too curious and could not stop myself. Should I bring something to ease your pain?"

"I can understand ... but you don't worry about me. A little rest will help with the head." I said.

"You take care Lekha . I will be around if you need me. I will wake you up for dinner."

She left the door slightly ajar as she left the room, to be able to hear me if I called.

I would not become the reason for differences inside the family, I decided. Even if it killed me I would not show my hurt to anyone. I would get over my infatuation with Rudra. I had to form a plan or make some rules for myself to be able to achieve all this.

First one was that I would avoid being near Rudra at any cost.

Second, I would not let Rudra provoke me in any way whether to make me angry or to make me cry. 

Third was that I would keep a happy profile in front of all.

Fourth, I would enjoy my adventure and learn all about the culture here.

Lastly the fifth one was to find another bride for Rudra.

I clenched my fingers in a fist at the last rule and closed my eyes tight to let the pain pass over. It did making me realize what hard work I had ahead of me. I had thought that being away from Rudra would help me get over him but meeting him every day was going to be killing. I promised myself that I would stick to my resolution.

"I hate him ... he is rude and arrogant" I repeated to myself, before the sleep from the night before overtook my senses. 

Another one done . Yipeeee!!!

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