Hello Mr Badboy

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Ugh why do I even go to school?!?! Its not like people are making me go!

I drag my self out of bed sleepy and brused from last night's fight I have to admit it was pretty hard to beat the guy, but I have to keep up my winning streak

I walk over to my closet and get some black convers with high waist jeans, I put on a over size hoody and leave my hair down to cover my face and I put on my hat that comes with the hoody and walk to school

No, I don't walk because I dont have a car I walk because I  only have a moter cycle and I cant be a nerd and get to school with a amazing cool looking motorcycle it doesn't go good together

After 10 minutes of walking to school I lower my head a little more so no one will be able to see my face I slide pass the bad boys of the school and get to class, in class I dont really pay much attention because I already knew what the teacher was teaching, So I just look out the window and I  plug in my ear buds to tune everbody out

45 minutes later

I saw everyone getting up and I saw that as my cue that class was over I walked pass everyone keeping in mind to keep my head low and I  safely made it to my locker

I got the book that I needed for science and closed my locker when I turned around I suddenly bumped into a tall brick wall that was for some reason right behind my locker I keep my eyes and head looking down after bumping into who ever this is I dont think this person will be moving any time soon
"Excuse me" I whisper kindly "looks like the nerd can talk!" I recognized that voice....it was nobody else but the bad boy by the name of Jake (picture above on how he looks) after I recognised his voice I decided to stay quiet and I keept my head down I could already feel the stares and I  already knew there was a crowd around us I keept my head down and  hugged the book in my arms I was ready to pull down my hoody in case he thinks of pulling it off....
"IM TALKING TO YOU NERD!" What did I ever do to him? Why was he being such a jerk all of a sudden I  mean he was always a jerk but he always ignored me sure there where the shoves every once or twice but that was all "LOOK AT ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU!" he shouts, next thing I know he takes my book and he throws it to the floor all I do is keep looking down hopeing that the bell goes off soon....everything is silent I still see his shoes in front if me so I know he is still there


thank you god I hear foot steps walk around everywhere but I still see him standing in front of me

I do the most simple thing possible I walk around him and Surprisingly it worked he did not try to pull me back he just let me I make my way to science class and see that im late I whisper a quick sorry to the teacher and sit in the back where a seat was left open next to me Then I  hear the door open not bothering to look up because that would just let people see my face clearly, I hear someone sit down next me

A few minutes of class and I hear Jake whisper in my ear "I will figure you out" I ignored him and keept doing my work with 5 minutes left of class then I hear the teacher say "Class I have assigned a new project for all of you I have assing partners of tow for everyone!" I hear a lot of ugh!!! And awww! From the class but i just ignore it and keept listening to what he says
"Here are you're partners"

"Ashley and Cassandra"

"Kimberly and Janete"

"Lele and Jake"

I get a bad filling after he says that I  can fill Jake probably smirking beside me while I scream for help in my head

Dun dun dun!!!!!

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