Firefly Flowers

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"Seventeen year old girls shouldn't make a habit of sneaking out at night."

Lorelie shot a foot in the air and turned around as Ozzy and Ally stepped out of the shadows that night, reacting to her call much faster then she had expected – in fact she hadn't expected them at all, more she had just hoped she might get someone from the same pack like before.

"What are you doing here?" Ally asked, sitting in front of her, his tail drifting back and forth as he spoke – entertainment for Bramble who was trying to catch it.

"I need your help."

"Oh?" Ozzy said, "How?"

"I need to return to The Grove."

If the wolves had eyebrows, they would have lifted them.

"Why?" Ally asked, his tone wary.

"There are flowers in The Grove," Lorelie said, pulling out her sketch of the plant. The wolves looked at it.

"Oh, the glowing ones," Ozzy said.

"Daya Floras," Ally supplied.

"Why do you know their names?"

"Someone told me."

"Really? About flowers? Who?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Anyway," Lorelie cut in, drawing the conversation back to her. "I need some of them."

"Why?" Ally asked.

"They are an ingredient in a sleeping remedy I need."

"Can't sleep?"

"It's not for me, it's for Beldon at Rose Castle."

They seemed to catch the wolves' attention.

"Beldon?" Ally copied. Ozyy glanced at him and Ally nodded, standing up. "Alright, lets go. Ozzy, you go help head the hunt."

Ozzy nodded and bounced off into the forests.

"The hunt?"

"Most of the pack is out hunting right now," Ally explained, his body starting to grow in size before her eyes until he was the size of the horse then lying down for her to climb on. "Really you shouldn't be walking around in the night, it's not safe."

Lorelie paused mid-climb and looked to his face.

"I don't mean you'll be attacked of course," he added, looking back at her, "It's just not safe for people."

"What else could be dangerous if I won't get attacked?" Lorelie asked but Ally didn't answer because he had lifted Bramble up with his mouth. So Lorelie took hold of his fur, held her bag tight and they headed off into the shadows for The Grove.


"Where's Grey?" Lorelie asked as they stepped from the cave entrance and into The Grove. The sight was still breath taking, the ground shimmering and shifting like each flower had fireflies in them.

"He's out with the hunt," Ally replied.

"What?" Lorelie said, staring at him, "But his injury! He can't be out there running around!"

"It's alright, really, he heals faster than one would expect."

Lorelie glared at him.

"Thank you for that medicine," Ally added.

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