Chapter [19] Memories

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Chapter Nineteen:

*alarm clock goes off*

I groaned, rolling out of bed. I brushed my hands over my eyes and sluggishly walked into the bathroom. After taking a quick hot shower I towel dried my hair and quickly put on a pair of sweats and a hoodie. I mean, it's Monday and no one really dresses up for Monday's.

Unless you're the cast of pretty little liars.

"Ivy! Come down whenever you're ready." My mom called from downstairs.

I pulled my hair back into a bun and looked at myself in the mirror. Honestly, I looked so tired and washed up. I never could make myself think of Skylor and what had happened between us because I didn't want to think about him ever again, but that's hard to do when I'm constantly walking past him in the hall at school.

So yeah, it's been maybe a week since our incident or whatever you want to call it and he hasn't looked at me, walked near me, not even a peripheral glance.

I have to stop sounding so desperate.

I gradually made my way downstairs and sat next to Morgan at the kitchen island.

"I'm gonna be one hundred percent completely honest with you." She placed her hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. "You look horrible." She then rubbed the back of my hand.

"Is it that obvious." I buried my head into my arms on the counter.

"Are you having boy troubles." She leaned towards me.

"Not anymore." I lifted my head up and sighed.

"Does he not like you?" She let out a small gasp.

"He doesn't. But I don't like him anymore either." I replied.

"This reminds me of something." Morgan tapped her chin.

"What, one of your online stories?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah! Your situation. It's kind of like... Saving Elliott!"

"Saving who?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"This girl and guy whose both names were Elliott. They hated each other at first but." She took a sip of her orange juice.

"But what? What happened?" I asked.

"Hello sweet peas." My mom walked into the kitchen.

"Hey mom." We both said in unison.

"Ivy, your dad is taking your car with him today to the shop to put a new battery in." She informed me while making herself a cup of coffee.

"Finally." I chuckled lightly.

She was completely oblivious to my chuckle and turned around with a straight face. "Girls when you get home today your father and I have something really important to tell you."

After me and Morgan exchanged a couple of looks, my mom rushed us outside and into the car.

"Is it something bad?" Morgan asked from the back seat.

"Oh no, sweetie. It's not." My mom glanced through the rearview mirror and gave Morgan a reassuring smile.


"Okay class, so since winter break is in a week we're just gonna watch a few movies about history instead of me teaching you and you completely forgetting the information when you get back." Mr. Danforth chuckled.

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