Chapter 2

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"Love is never wrong."

--Melissa Etheridge

Janine's POV

I woke up feeling dizzy. Damn! I shouldn't have drink that much last night. If only....... 

Then suddenly, I opened my eyes. I saw grey and white interior designs. Where am I?

"Bro! Your girl is awake" the guy shouted. When I adjusted my eyes to the light, I looked at him and as I look at him intently, I realized that he looks familiar.

"Hey, I know you. You're the guy last night" I said trying to ignore my pounding head.

He just smiled rushing out of the room. Looking at my surroundings, white and grey walls and other boyish things, it dawned onto me that I'm not in my room. I immediately looked at my body. Thank goodness, I'm still fully dressed. Then the door burst open and came a smoking hot and handsome man. I looked into his eyes where my green ones meet his chocolate orbs.

"Who are you?" I asked the walking sin.

"Well, good morning to you sweetie" he replied

"Who are you?" I asked again not bothering my hammering chest and head


Suddenly my phone rang. I was about to stand up when my head swirled like a whirlwind. Ooouuuuch.

"Here" he said handing me my precious phone

I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Papa.

"Hello? Papa?"

"Young woman! Where have you been last night? We're very worried about you" and I just rolled my eyes at his words.

"Well, Papa, I'm still alive and kicking," I replied

"Good thing we found you in that bar"

"What?" I asked. 

We? Don't tell me Mama went with him?

"Janine, listen to me. I think you've met your fiancé already. Please be kind to him. Be a refine young lady," he ordered

"No! I haven't met that bastard yet. Lucky for him, he haven't met me yet or else I will kick his balls until he can't reproduce again," I shouted and I saw the guy in front of me flash a devilish smile with a dark look in his eye.

"Your words, young lady! Why didn't you agree with the arrangement?"

"Because I'm not interested! And besides, I'm too young to be married"

"Janine, you want to go to Italy right? Because it's your dream place"

"Yes. I do want to go there," I sighed

"Well, let's have a bargain"

Woaahh?? Papa? Having a bargain? It seems impossible! He never like bargains!

"Okay. I'm all ears on this bargain"

"There's a wedding gift in Italy waiting for you. If you will agree to this marriage, I will finance your trip from your departure until your arrival"

"What kind of wedding gift is that?"

"You'll find out once you get married"

"What?! Aarrgghhh!! Wait. You'll finance everything?!"

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