Chapter 32

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"'I have no need for children for it is happiness I am in search,' and all the while she spoke, I smiled while happiness tugged at my skirt."


Janine's POV

"Janine! Over here! Turn to your left side" She shouted on the phone.

I turned to my left and I saw Zeya waving her hands so I could see her. I smiled as I approached the beautiful petite lady.

"Hi!!" She greeted with enthusiasm.

"Hello,  Zeya. It's been a long time since we've met," I said as I embraced her.

"Yeah. When was the last time we met again? Your last birthday?" She asked and I nodded "Man, that seemed like decades ago!" She exclaimed, making the both of us burst into laughter.

"By the way, this is my nanny, Dea. Dea, the sister of my husband, Janine," she introduced

"Nice to meet you, Maam," Dea said

"Nice to meet you, too" I smiled at the woman that looks like she's in her late 30's.

"Oh and this is my son, Adrian Joshua Conson," she looked lovingly at her son inside his stroller.

"Hey there little bud. I'm your aunt. Aunt Janine," I said as I held his hand. "He's so cute"

"I know right!!! Well, you better put some bun in your oven so that you can have one angel," she smiled.

I looked at her and sat on the nearest bench.

"No thank you. I still have lots of plans to do and places to go" I truthfully replied.

"Being a mother is fun, you know. You'll fall in love again but this time, it'll be two persons already -- your husband and your child," she smiled back.

"You've made a good combination. Spencer and you are match made in heaven,"

"Thank you. Adam and you, too," she winked and I blushed a little.

"Nope. We're more like match made in hell," I laughed

"That's so cute. Things are more on fire," she wiggled her brows. "Honestly, I like both of you together"

"Nah, we always fight like cats and dogs

"Oh come on! Cats and dogs can sometimes be friends," she exclaimed

"Hmm.You're right. Lately, we've been friends," I smiled

"Friends! That's the first step. Then you'll realize you've fallen in love with each other and you'll go steady for a year or a couple of months, maybe. Then you'll be engaged and boom! Married then have cute little kids and you'll live happily ever after!" she babbled

"That'll never work in real life, Zeya. It's only in movies and books and other works of fiction," I shook my head.

"Believe me, you will change that perspective once you've found your other half. I once had that idea before but Mattie proved to me that fairy tales do exist in a chaotic world," 

"Mattie? You still call him that? I thought Spencer banned you from calling him that," I said "I remembered the time where he's in high school and I called him that. The next thing I knew was he never talked to me"

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