Chapter 12

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"Love is friendship set on fire."

--Jeremy Taylor

Janine's POV

"We need to go home, now" he commanded me. I just nodded not knowing what else to say. He dragged me to the parking lot. We are on our way to my condo when a very heavy rain poured. The weather is with me; It's sad and so am I. The road became slippery and Adam noticed that the flood is rising. There's a shortcut that I know but it's too dangerous there. I heard that there are a lot of drug addicts in that place. Adam suggested that I should stay in his place first. We hurried our way to his penthouse. As the rain keep on falling on my window, so are my tears. My neck hurts in facing one direction all this time. When we arrived, we were soaking wet.

"Come in. I'll make a hot chocolate for you" he said and made his way to the kitchen. "Make yourself comfortable!" He shouted.

I keep on sneezing and sneezing. Jeez, I think I'll catch a cold.

"Adam? Mind if I use your comfort room? I need to take a shower" I shouted for him to hear.

"Just use the one in my room. The shower there is good" he shouted back.

I immediately ran to the second floor and opened his room. I was surprised that I haven't forgotten where his room was located. I went to the shower and took a hot bath in the tub. Maybe having a hot bath could ease my cold. I look past his necessities and found an orange scent so I dropped a few drops on the water. When I already ensured that my bath is ready, I stripped my clothes off and I hopped onto the tub. Warm water eventually surrounded my body and I welcomed it with open arms.

Adam's POV

"Janine! Your hot chocolate is ready!" I screamed on top of my lungs in order for her to hear. Little while, I haven't heard any response so I decided to go to my room and check on her. I haven't seen her in my bed nor in my walk-in closet. I decided to check the bathroom. When I reached for the doorknob, I was surprised that it was open. I knocked three times but I still haven't heard any sound. I twisted the doorknob to open. I didn't hear any shower so I checked on the tub. There she was, peacefully sleeping. How beautiful. She has a soft snore. How cute. I can't control myself so, I bent down and pecked her sweet lips. I pulled put before she started stirring.

"Hmm?" She moaned.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty" and I nudge her forehead using my nose.

"Adam!" I knew she'd didn't expect me to be here. She's going to stand up but I held her shoulders. Confusion clouded her green eyes.

"Why?" She asked innocently

"You're naked. Remember? I didn't have much self control with me now." and as reality hit her, she looked down at her state.

"Right. Thank you" she said blushing.

"It's alright" I messed her hair. "Now, come down if your ready. Your chocolate is running cold" I stood up and exited my room.

Janine's POV

I didn't know Adam is such a gentleman. A few more good sides will totally push me to like him more. I cocooned myself with the robe. It's a little skimpy but at least I have this than nothing. I made my way downstairs still feeling self conscious because I wasn't wearing anything beneath my robe. I stepped the final stair and proceeded to the kitchen where I found the prince charming material sipping his coffee.

"Hey Adam. Can... Can I.... Ugghh..." I stammered


"Nothing" I shook my head for reinforcements.

"Oh come on. Tell me. Before I'll change my mind and say no to what you're gonna ask" he stated

"CanIborrowyourboxers? Andoneofyourshirts?Ihavenothingtowear" I stumbled on my words. If I wasn't the one who's speaking, I probably can't understand it.

"I'm sorry? I can't decipher a word. Pardon please" he said. I knew he won't understand those or he wants me to be more humiliated either way, I can really feel my cheeks burning.

"Never... Never mind" then I turned my back at him. I heard steps following me across the floor. I ran as fast as I could and ran upstairs. All of a sudden, someone grabbed my hand.

"Let me go!!" I shouted at him but he went deaf. Though I was wiggling to be freed, he managed to pull me in his room and surprisingly, his grip didn't hurt me. He twisted the knob and kicked it close. He abruptly pushed me on his bed. His force was too much to handle and I found myself lying on his huge bed and thank goodness, I still have the sense to close my legs. I really wish the ground would open and eat me to avoid further humiliation on my part.

"Stay." He growled. Then he disappeared. I was left there dumbfounded. Later on, he returned bringing some clothes.

"Here." Handing me his boxers and a shirt. "Change. I saw your private part when you were on the stairs. Sorry if I saw. I didn't intend to" he confessed sheepishly

"Thank you Adam" and I stood up and hugged him. At first, he stiffened. Maybe he was caught off guard by my act. I was just grateful to him. He was such a gentleman. Eventhough he saw my private parts, he controlled himself and didn't do anything wrong. I salute him for that. Cornelia must be very lucky to have this guy.

"Change now. And your chocolate downstairs is already cold. I'll just make a new one" he said pushing me gently. I just nodded at him and went to the comfort room to change. After 5 mins, I went outside to drink my chocolate. I saw him making another one again. I squeaked a small thank you and I received a nod for a response.

Is he mad at me?

"Adam, are you mad?" I asked him, suddenly scared.

"I just couldn't understand why you didn't tell me that you weren't wearing anything. Haven't you think that I'm a man too? I have my own needs for Pete's sake Janine!" His voice echoed. No doubt he's mad. I don't want him to get mad at me. I'm scared of what he'll do. My eyes began to mist but I should not let him see me crying for just a very little reason.

"I was... I was supposed to tell you... But I was... Shy and frightened" I said like a little girl being scolded. "I'm sorry." I uttered.

"Hey. Chin up baby girl. I'm not mad. And why would you be shy and frightened? It's just me after all" he said settling my hot chocolate in front of me. I didn't reply to him and gulped my drink. The warm soothed my insides. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow. He gave me a glass of water and ushered me to go to the guests' room. I'll just pick anywhere and he has 3 vacant rooms here. I chose the one right next to him. I want to be close to him as much as possible. I settled down as the sheets comforted my body and I drifted off with Adam in my mind.

So It's Still YouOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara