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A/N: the picture of Alan that's attached to this chapter is one of my favorites. ❤️)
Alice's POV
I woke up the next morning entangled in Alan's arms. I wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning. Honestly, who would complain?
I shimmied as quietly as I could out of his grasp, and tiptoed to the bathroom, with intent to shower. I turned on the water, warm just like I enjoyed. I stepped into the waterfall, and closed my eyes as the water splashed down over my body. I sighed in contentment.
I jumped a bit though when a pair of hands wrapped around my waist from behind, sending faint kisses down my neck.
"Is there such a thing as privacy?" I asked breathlessly.
"Absolutely not." Alan whispered into my ear, and I shivered. His voice was literally heaven in a vocal cord.
Without warning, he had turned me around, and pulled me flush against his naked body, without an inch of space between us. The intimacy made me smirk.
Alan rose an eyebrow playfully. "What's on your mind?"
As he said this, he had pushed me up against the shower wall, inch by inch, until my back was touching it.
I pretended to think to myself, biting my lip seductively. "Hmm...I wonder.."
I was cut off by Alan's lips capturing mine in a rough kiss. I for one didn't mind.
It was actually a huge turn-on. His fingers trailed down my body, sending enticing shivers to spread across my skin. He reached between my legs, and I nearly lost my mind. I moaned loudly, and I heard Alan chuckle lowly.
I wasn't usually a sex fiend, but something about Alan brought this naughty side out of me.
Before I reached my limit, Alan pulled off, and I looked up at him with pleading eyes.
"Seriously?" I whined.
He just smirked, and hoisted my leg up around his thigh.
I smiled, happy I was getting what I wanted.
My hand wrapped lightly around his neck, and I pulled him to my lips once more.
When I felt him enter me, I couldn't help but moan lightly against his lips, my breath leaving me in a rush.
Good morning to me.
A few hours later
Alan and I were sitting on the couch, and I was nestled in the crook of his arm.
"So..about that date?" I questioned, smiling up at him.
Alan smirked down at me. "I haven't forgotten."
I nodded absentmindedly. Alan just watched me.
"Thank God. I was worried I was just a friend with benefits or something."
Alan rose an eyebrow in a very comedic way. "I don't believe in that."
I laughed. "I should've known. You're a gentleman." I teased.
Alan's eyes filled with amusement. He stood up from my couch, and held out his hand for me to take.
I rose an eyebrow back at him, glancing between him and his hand.
"It won't bite, Alice." He said, trying not to laugh.
I gave him a suggestive look. "But I might."
Alan's jaw went a bit rigid, and I could tell he was reconsidering what he was about to do, with taking me back to my bedroom to ravish me.
"Don't test me.." He bit out in a rather husky tone.
I laughed, and stood up in front of him.
"Okay, okay. So...where are we going?"
That night
Against my better judgement, I had allowed Alan to blindfold me. Currently we were driving to our destination. It was rather short notice, but I'm pretty sure Alan had something up his sleeve.
I sneakily tried to slip my fingers around the knot, to untie it.
"Don't..even think about it." His voice carried through the car.
I huffed. "Fine..."
His chuckle had a smile tugging at my lips.

However many minutes later, the car stopped, and I heard the door being opened, and I fumbled for Alan's hand, and seconds later, he was holding mine.
He helped me out of the car, and we walked a couple steps forward. He gently removed the blindfold, and I gasped happily.
Lanterns lit the stone walkway, and along the sides, gardens upon gardens, and flowers galore. Down the walk, and set up under an elegant gazebo, was a table, two chairs & a dinner.
I turned to Alan in disbelief. "Oh my god, it's beautiful! How in the hell did you manage this?"
"I have my ways." Alan smirked, guiding me up the walk, hand on my back.
He pulled out my chair for me, and I sat down, thanking him. He sat down across from me.
I chuckled in disbelief. "I can't even believe this."
Alan chuckled with me, but didn't respond.

Alan and I had been talking for hours, as we both sipped champagne after dinner. He had told me about his family, just as I had told him about my father. We talked hobbies, ambitions, and intellect.
I was nervous to bring up the question clouding my mind though.
The freaking age gap.
I knew for most people that a 30+ year age difference was outrageous, but to me, age wasn't something I'd ever worried about. To me, it was non-existent in a way. As long as the person cared about you, and vice versa, why should it be determined by age?
"Um..how do you feel about the age gap between us? And the fact that, on paper, I'm technically your assistant?"
Alan looked at me gently. "I owe no explanation of my actions to anyone, in any way shape or form."
I leaned over the table, smiling. "Good."
Alan leaned over to meet me halfway.
"Kiss me." He stated, voice velvet and husky.
I felt my body reacting instantly. I knew it was a short amount of time that we'd known each other, but what was life without taking chances? But, as my lips met Alan's, I knew I was falling, and falling hard.
A/N: this may sound like a closing chapter but it most definitely is not. Oh, and I hope you like this one. x

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