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1 week later
Alice's POV

Things have been going pretty fantastic between Alan and I. Our chemistry is out of this world, and our mental connection really is something to be envied.
But, of course, where there are good things, there must be bad.
I stood in the kitchen, making myself some coffee. I was exhausted, because Alan and I had once again pulled an all-nighter. I was surprised we got any sleep at all, if you know what I mean.
A knock at my door broke me out of my haze, and Janie let out a bark.
I grabbed my coffee mug, and approached the door, opening it. My knuckles tightened around my mug, turning white, as I looked at my visitor.
"Dad...did you misunderstand me the first time you showed your face here?" I growled, as Janie growled too.
"Ali, please, just hear me out. I know what I've done, and all I want to do is fix it. Please."
I blinked back the tears already filling my eyes, and barely nodded.
My father looked relieved, as I moved aside, and let him in. He stood awkwardly by my couch.
I rose an eyebrow. "You can sit, you know."
My father did so, and I sat in the armchair opposite him.
"So. Talk. I don't have all bloody day." I scowled, taking a sip of my coffee.
"Alice, me and your mother, we were happy. But things just got difficult--"
I stopped him. "So, when things get difficult, you run? Good to know."
My father gave me a look. "I thought it was best for me, and for you two. I didn't want you to see us fighting all the time. I know that what I did ultimately left a bigger scar on you than I thought it would, and for that, Ali, I'm so sorry."
I didn't look at him.
"I want to be a part of your life. And, it may be sudden, but I want you to meet your family."
My head snapped up. "What?" I said slowly.
"After I left you and your mother, a few years later, I re-married. You have a stepmother, stepbrother, and stepsister."
My jaw dropped slightly, a mix of emotions clouding my mind.
"Are you happy with this...this, new family you got, Dad?"
My father nodded in response and I pursed my lips, trying to suppress my anger.
My father looked at me closer. "I know you're mad--"
"That's an understatement." I cut him off again.
"--But, please. With your mother in that place, you're the only one I can come to, to ask this."
I was hesitant, but after a couple minutes of thinking, I nodded.
My father's eyes lit up. "Thank you, Alice."
I just nodded.
"Come up to our house tomorrow. As you probably realized, I moved back to London."
I fought the urge to roll my eyes, and watched as my father exited my apartment.
I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.
A few hours later
I got up to answer the door as the knock resounded through my apartment.
I smiled wearily, as Alan smiled genuinely, and walked inside.
He assessed me for a moment, before he pulled me into his arms.
"Alice, what's the matter?" He asked softly, hand caressing my cheek.
I sighed, meeting his eyes. "My father came by today, and we talked."
Alan looked surprised, but I just snorted in disbelief and slight anger.
"And you'll never guess what he told me."
"What did he tell you?"
"I have another family. A stepmother, stepsister, and stepbrother." I bit out.
Alan's finger lifted my chin up so I was looking straight at him.
"And how do you feel about that, Alice? Truthfully?"
"I'm pissed, Alan!! My father left my mother and I, just to find another woman to marry, and create another family. What about us? Did he ever think about how his decisions would affect me and my mother?! And to make matters worse, he asked me to meet them!!!!" I was kind of yelling now, but Alan wasn't fazed.
I sat down on my couch in a huff.
Alan sat down next to me. "Since you're reacting like this, I hope you said no."
I chuckled. "Quite the opposite. I agreed."
Alan gripped my hand, and I smiled, a bit more relaxed. "I will support anything you do, Alice. I'm with you through it all, no matter what."
I smiled. "Good to hear. So....will you come with me tomorrow to meet my other family?"
Alan smirked down at me. "It would be an honor, Alice."
I bit my lip, feeling a lot lighter. "Thank you, Alan."
I moved closer to him, cuddling into the crook of his arm.
He lifted my chin up, kissing me. I smiled against it.
"My perfect remedy.." I muttered with a giggle.
Alan laughed. "You sure are something, Alice."

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