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(A/N: Alan seems to like sitting in chairs for photo shoots. Regardless, he's breathtaking. I will never get over it. Sorry, it's been so long..things were hard. I'm having more trouble than I originally thought I would writing about him, but I'm definitely finishing this story; the ending won't leave my head because it's so beautiful. )

Alice's POV, the next morning
I shifted, opening my eyes. I looked out into the countryside, the sun having risen, painting the sky in pinks and oranges. I smiled at the beauty.
I felt Alan's arm wrapped around me as we laid together on the blanket. We had cuddled under the stars, and eventually fell asleep, right underneath the tree. It was the most simple, yet breathtaking, experience I had ever had.
I was glad I got to experience it with Alan.
Speaking of, I felt him move then, shifting his body closer to me. I giggled as he placed adorable kisses along my exposed neck.
"Well good morning to you too." I whispered in a breath.
I could feel his smirk, as his arm tightened around my waist. I turned to look up at him.
We just stared at each other in blissful silence for a second. I don't know what came over me, but I felt my eyes filling with tears, and before I could stop it, one had fallen down my cheek. Alan's eyes filled with concern, as his thumb gently wiped away the fallen tear.
I took in a breath. "I'm sorry..I just.."
Alan just looked at me gently, waiting patiently for me to get out what I was trying to say.
I sighed. "I just can't believe this is happening. It all seems too good to be true. I'm so used to being hurt, that I've never know what it feels like to be cared for. It feels like a dream. You're actually here with me, and I don't want to lose you."
I could feel my cheeks redden with embarrassment at having blurted out my feelings, but I couldn't help it. I was so happy and scared about this all at the same time. I've never had emotions make me this way.
Alan's eyes changed, genuine care shining in them, like I'd never seen before.
His hand caressed my cheek, as he looked down at me softly.
"Alice, I promise that I will never leave you. You have me for as long as you want me in your life. I'm not going anywhere."
I smiled, laughing to disguise the happy tears starting to fill my eyes again.
I brought my lips to his, smiling against the kiss. The serenity and intensity of the moment made me shiver.
We pulled back, and I ran a hand through my messy ginger hair.
"I think we should try to find a way to get back." I reminded Alan, who just smiled in return.
I could feel his fingers trailing down my body underneath the blanket. I bit my lip to suppress a moan.
"Must we?" He whispered.
We walked hand in hand a half hour later, back to Alan's car, which had been parked alongside the road since last night. Alan opened the driver's side door, putting the key in the ignition. The car immediately started up.
I narrowed my eyes, but I couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"So...I'm guessing the car never ran out of gas?" I asked him, walking to the other side of the car.
Alan smirked in amusement. "Perhaps."
I laughed again. "Well, it was worth it. You got me good."
Alan gave me a smoldering look.
"That I did."
I tried not to smile, but I failed miserably. "Just get in the car.." I teased.
Alan just chuckled in response.

We arrived at my apartment about an hour later, and Alan parked the car. We walked up to my apartment, and I unlocked the door, as we walked inside.
I gasped as I stared at my messy apartment. It was destroyed, as if someone had broken in.
The one thing that caught my eye was a smashed picture frame containing a photograph of my mother.
My heart started racing, as I glanced at Alan, who was already looking at me in worry.
Instantly I called for Janie, that being my first instinct.
To my relief, she scampered out from the hallway, and launched herself into my arms. I swallowed the tears flooding my eyes, as I hugged my dog, and kissed her nose.
I let go of her a second later, and stood up on shaky knees again.
Mixed emotions were coursing through me: anger, fear, frustration, anxiety, etc.
But..I knew exactly who had done this.
"Alice??" Alan questioned, and his voice sounded far away. My mind was racing. Before I could choose otherwise, I was out my front door, and running down the steps remarkably fast on three inch heels. Just as I got to my car, and started to open the door, a hand pushed it back closed.
I glared up at Alan.
"Move your hand." I said calmly.
Alan rose an eyebrow.
I took in an angry breath. "Move your damn hand, or get your ass in the car and come with me."
Alan assessed me for a moment longer before nodding and getting in the passenger side. I was surprised, but I got in the car as well.
And then, we were off.
I was driving somewhat erratically, going to where I knew this had all began.
Alan hadn't stopped staring at me since we left my apartment, but I didn't care. In no time at all, we drove up along the curb, and I parked the car. I was out and running up to the house.
I heard Alan call my name in warning, but I ignored him. I knocked on the door twice, and it opened a second later, just the person I wanted to see standing behind it.
In a flash and blur, my fist came across James' jaw, knocking him off his feet, and onto the floor. I went to lunge at him, but I felt Alan's arms wrap around my waist tightly, holding me back.
I glared murderously down at my stepbrother.
"You bastard!!"

The Very Thought of You. (Alan Rickman Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt