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Chapter 17 PART 1 Sneak Peek

I walked down Downtown Vancouver, passing Rogers Arena and BC Place, where the Vancouver Canucks and the BC Lions played at. (A/N: GO CANUCKS GO! ;D)

I was very self-conscious and scared because I was afraid that any second Ian would pop out. I kept glancing back and forth, side to side just to check.

I sighed.

Why couldn't he just leave me alone? I regret talking to him that day when he magically appeared beside my locker.


I picked up my math textbook and slammed my locker door shut, hugging the book tightly against my chest.

I jumped finding a guy with brown hair and brown eyes staring back at me.

"Whoa, may I help you?" I asked uneasily.

"Go out with me?" He asked.

What the heck? I don't even know this dude's name...

"Sorry, I don't know you." I said and spun on my heel walking down the deserted hallway, to my math class.


And with that simple rejection, it got worse until he actually said my name on the P.A. and asked me out on it. For weeks and weeks he kept bugging me until I finally agreed to go out with him, he was that annoying.

He never took me out on dates, I was just his showgirl. He stole my first kiss without my permission, but thankfully he didn't steal my virginity.

A month later I couldn't take it anymore and I broke up with him. So one day after work, I was walking home and he jumped me and kidnapped me.

He took me to some shack and beat me up (thankfully to my werewolf healing-a-ma-bob-thingies, I have no scars.), he yelled at me and asked why I broke up with him and that he calls off the relationship, not me, he had a gun stuck to my head and was tempted to shoot it, unless I had said I loved him.

I screamed out that I loved him (even though I hated him with a passion and wanted him dead.) He made me date him all over again until Marcus figured out everything and told the cops. He has been in jail ever since until now.

My wolf was wanting to be set free, maybe tonight me and Marcus can go on a run. I thought.

I saw Marcus's car up in the distance and I hurriedly ran up to it, opening the passenger seat and sitting down, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"Whats up with you?" Marcus asked, turning out of the parking spot and drove down the road, turning into a different lane.

"I don't know, I was just so scared that Ian was going to pop out any second and that he's was going to kidnap me again, I don't understand Marcus, why is he doing this to me?!" I cried helplessly, hoping that everything would be okay, but of course, life's a bitch and nothing goes out the way you want it to.

Marcus turned into the parking lot of our apartment and parked, shutting off the ignition and pulling the keys out unlocking the doors.

"I don't know Ash, why can't you let me kill him? Nobody will know and they'll just think some bear attacked him," Marcus said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him.

"Because if people do find out that you killed him, you will earn yourself a criminal record, probably go to jail for murder and I wont see you again." I said, now realizing that tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Aww Ash, don't worry, everything is going to be okay, do you want to go on a run?" Marcus said, pushing me into his chest, as he rubbed my back in a friendly way.

"Yes please," I mumbled into his chest as we walked up the stairs into the main lobby in our apartment building.


Hey, Happy Halloween! (if it is still there wherever you are..)

I know this isn't a full chapter , it's just that I have no time to upload and it's making me maaaad.

I hate grade seven.

Well I hope you enjoyed the sneak peak thingy and I hope to upload soon.

So excited to eat candy! (and do homework..not.)

See you,


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