Chapter 17 PART 2

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Marcus turned into the parking lot of our apartment and parked, shutting off the ignition and pulling the keys out unlocking the doors.

"I don't know Ash, why can't you let me kill him? Nobody will know and they'll just think some bear attacked him," Marcus said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him.

"Because if people do find out that you killed him, you will earn yourself a criminal record, probably go to jail for murder and I wont see you again." I said, now realizing that tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Aww Ash, don't worry, everything is going to be okay, do you want to go on a run?" Marcus said, pushing me into his chest, as he rubbed my back in a friendly way.

"Yes please," I mumbled into his chest as we walked up the stairs into the main lobby in our apartment building.

Chapter 17 Part 2

I sniffed and smelt the earthy smell of

the forest.

My paws scraped against the forest floor as Marcus trotted behind me.

He playfully pushed me, causing me to growl.

I pushed him back, even harder, trying to annoy him, as he smiled; a wolfy smile.

I snarled playfully as he rammed into my side, softly, but hard enough to have me fall to the soft dirt on the forest floor.

I got up, and ran away from Marcus, purposely hiding behind a bunch of bushes.

I knew it was pointless really, he could easily smelt my scent, but I guess he just ignored it just for the fun of it.

We played tag like a bunch of grade ones, laughing like maniacs, but not really knowing it because all we understood was messed up wolf laughter, which sounded more like gargles then laughter.

I saw a flash of white fur, and went to go investigate. I looked at Marcus, he was sniffing the air. I walked closer to where the white fur was, curiosity being my only emotion.

I saw it , it was a white wolf, with a couple of brown splotches spread around it. The wolf seemed to have been drinking the water at the lake. I finally realized it was a girl, by the way it femininely walked.

I growled. The wolf immediately jumped, almost falling into the lake, but caught on just in time. It whimpered suddenly, the nasty smell of fear rolled in waves in the air, I crinkled my nose up, disgusted.

I felt kind of bad for this girl, so I changed and started talking to her.

I guess Marcus also changed into human, cuz I heard no more growls.

"Change back." I had said softly,

She shook her head.

"Holy cow, just do it." I said, demandingly.

It whimpered but changed, looking like a girl who was about 17. She was slim, with brown hair and the most light green eyes I have ever seen in my life. Her skin was tanned, not one of those fake ones, but the real natural one, making her look even prettier. I was truly jealous of this girl. Her face was clear, no blemish in sight, except for one dimple on her left cheek.

I crouched down on my knees, and asked for her name.

"Maria," She answered softly.

I heard Marcus sightly groan, for some reason.

She looked up and finally realized that he was here, and her eyes widened, until she quickly masked it up in a different emotion.

"Do you live close?" I asked her, wondering if she just moved here, or that she lived in another city in Metro Vancouver, like Surrey or Langley.

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