Chapter 24

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Chapter 24.

Lacey's POV.

I saw Natasha's eyes roll to the back of her head, as she fainted. Logan quickly grabbed her before she fell to the ground. He brushed away the hairs from her forehead, and kissed her forehead softly and lingered there for a second or two longer. You could so see the love he had for Natasha. He picked her up, bridal style. "I'm going to take her to her room, we'll discuss this later, thank you for telling me." Logan said, and dismissed us.

I sighed. I was afraid, afraid of what my sisters would do. I didn't care if they killed me, I was afraid for Jayden's pack. I know for a fact that Jenna and Lacey will most likely terrorize the pack and then ruin their lives. Thats just the type of people they are. Mean, evil, selfish.

I knew for a fact that I really have to watch out and hopefully try to stop all the things that they are doing. I need to talk to Jay. But first, what I should do, is ask Logan if I can tell Jayden.

"Logan!" I yelled out, but immediately realized my mistake. I should be calling him 'Alpha' Logan, but thank god he was chill and he wouldn't get mad. "Yes, Lacey." He said, his head sticking out of his own door. "Can I tell Jayden, the Alpha of the Terra Pack, about the situation?" I asked him nervously, twisting my hair in my hands as he stared at me. "Yeah, if he's your mate, then go for it."

"Yeah, he's my mate." I stated, and he half-smiled, yeah, I'll admit, but I used to have a crush on Logan, but that was back then, and it's over now, for many reasons. 1, he's my sisters mate, and 2, I have my own amazing mate.

"Alright, you may go." He said, and walked back into the room where Natasha is. I closed my eyes and tried to connect with Jayden. Once I felt that same connection, I sighed and tried to hear his voice.

"Jay...?" I whimpered, sadly.

"Whats wrong, Lace?" He asked me, concerned.

"I need you." I stated, as tears filled my eyes.

"I'm coming now, meet me at the end of the woods where are packs meet." He said, and I replied an "Okay."

I ran down the halls, outside, and shifted mid-air, my blonde wolf showing, as I ran down the woods, until the borders of the Moon-Light Pack and The Terra Pack.

I saw Jay there in his wolf form. I ran to him, and tackled his wolf. I changed and I immediately hid my naked body, as he went around the tree, and took out his shirt and threw it at me. I caught it and shrugged it on. He came out behind the tree, with jeans on.

He opened his arms and I ran into them, the tears rushing back, as I remembered what I was going to tell him.

"Oh Lace, what happened, baby?" He asked me, sadly, as he rubbed small soothing circles on my back as I sobbed.

"Jay, me and my younger brother overheard my two sisters conversation, and they-they said that they we're going to murder me and my other sister Natasha, and then steal you and Logan and become the Alpha Females of both packs. I'm scared, Jay." I said, tears rushing down my cheeks as I told him.

His arms that were around me, tightened, as he replied. "You're joking."

"I am not joking!" I yelled out, as he 'shhed' me. "Alright, alright, I believe you." He said, then looked at me, seriously.

"Stay with me," He stated. My eyes widened. "No! I have to stay with my pack." I said.

"Just until everything is cleared. There's no point in saying no, when I'm just going to take you anyways." He said, in a 'duh' tone. I wouldn't give up, not yet. "No, I am staying, with my pack and my family, I don't want to stay with you, just yet." I said, pulling away from his arms and putting my hands on my hips.

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