Prologue IV

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Prologue IV

"Our attitudes towards others determines their attitudes towards us."

-Earl Nightingale

Garroth leaned against the tree outside of the two-story house. In his hand he held a cigarette, but he could care less. He had to do something to pass the time. He exhaled, a puff of smoke escaping his mouth. He only did this on certain occasions, and now was one of those occasions.

Picking up wind that a human family had moved into a monster-zone was huge. It was a predicament. It was a dangerous situation. He had to ensure that the people of this human family were to be safe. Garroth put the cigarette back into his mouth and looked up at the door. There were beings in there, he was sure of it.

He looked down, not wanting to pay as much attention anymore. He pulled the cigarette out and crushed it on the asphalt. He pulled out the slip of paper and read over their assignment.

Dear Timothy and Garroth,

It has come to our attention that a human family has moved into Points Brooke. Normally, this would not be something brought up into our radar. However, Points Brooke is a all monster, supernatural, undead, etcetera, town. The family consists of four humans: Johnathan Silver, Lafayette Silver, Caleb Silver, and Andrea Silver (ranged from youngest to oldest). No other family seems to have followed them, and no animals live in the house. Johnathan is forty five, Lafayette is forty three, Caleb is seventeen, and Andrea is sixteen.

Also, know a Monster Hunter is in this house hold. As we do not want this to fall into he wrong hands, we will not disclose who this is. However, they have been notified about you coming and will reach out to you upon catching wind of you.

Your job is to protect this family and eventually move them away. They have already lived here for over three weeks, so we must hurry to their aide. Do not delay: this could ruin the bond we have with the other world. If the family- or any of its members- were to learn what their friends and neighbors are, then the whole wall between human and non-human can crumble.

At the moment, you are in Louisiana, fighting a pack of Zombies from attacking New Orleans. We are sending another, larger group to take care of it. You are to head to Points Brooke, located just west of Seattle, Washington, and protect the family from harm. Normally, you would simply watch, but we ask you to attend the only high school in the town. Garroth shall be a senior, and Timothy shall be a junior. If anyone asks, Garroth is a Warlock due to his abilities and Timothy is a Werewolf, due to his abilities. Do not engage unless it is an immediate threat.

As of right now, you are to head to Points Brooke with the transportation provided. Upon coming into the state, look out for Werewolf packs. They are currently stopping any and all humans. If they see your weapons, they will immediately attack. Do not stop to stop any beings from harming others that is what others are for. Your only job is to save the Silvers.

Good luck, Garroth and Timothy.


Monster Hunter Society

Garroth folded the paper back up. He felt his scalp prickling as he reached for his ability. Then, he heard their voices within his skull.

"No one thinks you're dumb."

"I have noticed the way you all act around each other. Why?"


"Look, I'll just leave, alright?"

That's when a teenage boy opened the door and walked out. He was halfway down the steps when he turned on his heels. He walked up to the porch, about to knock on the door when it was thrown open. A girl stood there, a hat on her head.

"I forgot my hat."

"Sorry about them, they shouldn't have acted like-"

If Garroth had his cigarette, he would've chocked on it. The boy swooped down and kissed the girl. He didn't know if one of them was the human, no pictures were provided. Garroth shoved a hand into his pocket and pulled his phone out. He quickly called Timothy.

"Tim...We may have a predicament."


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