Chapter XXI

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Chapter XXI

"The best proof of Love is Trust."

-Dr. Joyce Brothers

It was like some sort of light clicked in her head. Everything suddenly made sense. Why she never got it before confused her.

This was why people looked at her differently. This was why Mitchel always tried to steer her away from Jacob.

He was a Demon.

And him, and Angel.

Mitchel sighed. "Remember that one favor I asked to have back when Liam came over?"

Andrea had forgotten about that. "Of course."

"This is what I want to use it on. Please, don't hate me, that's all I ask."

Her shoulders slumped. His eyes lost the hope that was in them as he looked down. "I'm sorry for asking for something so absurd, but I wanted to tell you for so long, but was afraid of how you'd-"

Andrea had to stand on her tip toes slightly to be able to meet his lips. As soon as they met, he froze completely, while Andrea simply snaked her arms around his neck and moved her lips against his.

It took only a second for Mitchel to grab her hips in his hands and respond to her. She smiled as soon as he did and pushed herself against him.

When Mitchel gently swiped his tongue against hers for entrance, she gladly accepted, opening her mouth.

The only words to describe this kiss was simply-


When asked later what it felt like, Andrea wouldn't be able to describe it. It was perfect. It was magical.

She felt those fireworks they spoke about in every single story she read. Except, they were even more glorious then she imagined. It was like a drug- just the taste of him made her realize how long she was missing out. Everything she had felt for anyone else just seemed like a supplement until this very moment. Liam was someone she couldn't even remember. Why had she pursued the blonde man again? Jacob- he was like a terrible aftertaste. Why had she ever liked him again? She couldn't remember exactly, but it certainly didn't compare to the feeling of being with Mitchel in this moment.

 Eventually they ran out of breath. Andrea rested her head against him as she took in the air she had been deprived of. Her forehead rested nicely against his lips, permitting Mitchel to smile and kiss her forehead.

When she looked up at him, she saw his happy expression. He moved his hands from her hips up to her waist. "I've been waiting to do that since I saw you that night."

She furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?"

Mitchel sighed contently. "When you first moved there, you saw the large crowd, right? Well, we were going to a meeting for keeping our secrets hidden from you and your family. Well, on our way back I saw you asleep against the window, and I had to put you to bed, so I may have snuck into you house and out you to bed."

Andrea felt a small smile forming on her face. "At least you didn't have to change me. Though, why'd you do it?"

"When I saw you standing in the doorway, I immediately knew you were it for me, even though I tried to deny it. When I saw how uncomfortable you were against the window, I had to help you."

She smiled as she leaned up and softly pecked his lips. "I think I first fell for you on the hill, on my first day of school."

She gently pressed her hand to his cheek and moved it up to brush his hair out of the way of the scar he had. "When I touched this scar, I felt something, even though I tried so hard to deny it because I was scared you'd be another Liam. I wanted you to lo- like me, but I wanted you to admit it in time."

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