Chapter 7

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—time skip to two weeks—

—Eren's POV—

It's been two weeks since Y/n was gone. No one knows where she is. Mostly all the vampires are skipping school just to look for her. I'm going to school today because Mikasa is making me. Armin is going to, for the same reason as me, but he never misses a day.

I got ready for school. I took a shower, change into clean clothes, brush my teeth, and got my school stuff. I went to school, I meet up with Mikasa and Armin. "Come on, let's go to Erwin's class," Mikasa said.

Did I mention that Mikasa is in charge of us until Y/n comes back? Well, she is. We walked into class, it was half empty. I, Mikasa, and Armin are the only vampires.

"So why did we come to school instead of looking for Y/n?" I asked her, I guess, she likes being in charge of us.

"Have you noticed that Mr. Smith looks calmer than usual, and Levi seems to look sleepier," she said. Why would I pay attention to Mr. Smith and Levi? And I haven't been in school for two weeks, so how should I know? "No, I haven't noticed, because I haven't been in school for like two weeks. You and Armin were the only ones in school for those two weeks," I said.

"you'll see," she said. The teacher walked into class with Levi. "Good morning class, Levi will be your teacher for today," Mr. Smith said. I thought Levi was a student, not a teacher.

"BUT HE'S A STUDENT!! NOT A TEACHER!!" a kid yelled, it wasn't me this time.

"If you have a problem with it, tell Levi, not me," Mr. Eyebrows said. "No I'm good," the kid said, then Mr. Smith left.

"Alright we are going to do nothing, just shut up, and sit your asses down," Levi said and started to clean Mr. Smith's desk. I put my head on my desk and fell asleep.

—skip time—

"EREN! EREN!! GET UP!! IT'S TIME TO GO TO LUNCH!!" Mikasa yelled at me, but I didn't want to get up. So what if she is in charge? I need my sleep, and she's not my mother.

"Levi he's not getting up," Armin said, Armin, I'm trying to go to sleep, and what's Levi going to do? yell at me. Yelling isn't going to do anything. Mikasa already tried that, and that didn't do anything.

"YEAGER!! GET YOUR ASS UP AND GO TO LUNCH!!" Levi yelled at me. "Yes sir," I said then quickly got up.

"it's Levi, next time you call me that I'll kick the shit out of you, like last time," Levi said. The last time he kicked me, my tooth flew out, good thing it grows back.

Just saying if you ever see Levi...Don't call him shorty, he will kick you. He seems to love kicking people. Maybe he is too short to punch people in the face I don't know. We went to lunch and Armin gave us blood packs.

The bell rang again, that bell Is getting annoying. We walked to Mike's class, you know that weird guy that loves smelling people. Mikasa said "Who does that shorty think he is bossing you around like that, he's not in charge, I am. I'll make him pay for that,"

I think the power went to her head, there's no way Mikasa will win a fight against Levi. Do you know what we need right now? we need Y/n, too bad we can't find you, WHERE ARE YOU Y/N?! why did you leave us?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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