Chapter 9

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"A man who will lead you to Allah and not sin is always worth the wait"
~~~~~ Random.

Assalamualaikum people.
I know I know I'm not a frequent writer but really I'm kinda very busy lately.
I had just started my college which is giving me a hard time/schedule.
So if u understand.
In sha Allah I'll try my level best to update the next chapter in this week itself.
Once again sorry to make you wait.
Love you people.

Amaan's POV

'Sir he is a Businessmen and he has four more arms of his company in other cities and we didn't happen to find anything against him, otherwise, he is a good man according to what we searched', Arnold Romanof explained me. Arnold is the detective who is sent by my friend Shawn Michaels to help me.
'Are you sure, Arnold? Because in any way I don't find him good',
I asked again, leaning back in my chair if he was by any chance mistaken for Harris's identity.
There is definitely something up with his profile and if not, then he is pretending to be something else what he is actually not.
'Crystal, Mr Syed', I nodded,
'Anything else I could do for you?',
'No, thanks Arnold, you may leave now, I'll talk to Shawn, your boss for further things now', he nodded before leaving my office.

I'll not let you harm my wife, Harris.
In sha Allah.
It's been two days since that party and I'm trying my best to find out something about that person before he does any harm to Zoha.
Terminating the silence and bringing me out from my thoughts my phone ranged, showing me the caller I'd of my client.

Zoha's POV

'Nina, send me a cup of coffee', I said through the intercom.
'Yes ma'am, anything else ma'am?',
'No', I said before keeping it back on the table.

I was halfway to my last file when I heard a knock on the door.
Nina came in followed by Aunt Farah?
'Assalamualaikum Aunt Farah', I greeted getting up from my chair.
'Walekumassalam dear, how was your day?',
'Alhamdulillah Aunt, about to end now, please come, sit', I said taking her towards the couch.
'Would you like to have something?',
'No, no dear, I'm okay',
'Thank you, Nina. You may go now', She nodded before leaving.
I smiled at Aunt Farah and sat beside her.
'I was passing by, so I thought to meet you, I didn't disturb you, isn't it?', She asked me concerned and smiled, but her eyes were telling the other story.
Did she look worried?
'Obviously not Aunt Farah, you don't have to worry for that'.
And those creases on her forehead were not helping either.
'Aunt Farah?', I called out to her concerned laced in my voice,
'What happened?..... you look worried?', I asked.
She looked into oblivious and replied in a haste, 'I have a suitor',
'What?', I asked astounded.
'No!!........ I mean there is a family who wants to see Samya for their son', she exclaimed, keeping her right hand on her chest.
'Oh!! ..... wow!! ... I mean sha Allah!!... that's great!!', I said surprised.
She smiled at me.
Although I don't want my only friend to be gone this soon, on the other hand, I want her to be settled in her own life happily.
In sha Allah with her better half.
This is good news but...?
After that, I voiced my thoughts
'But why did you look worried?', I asked,
'I wasn't sure how to react, maybe that's why?', she laughed of scrunching her nose.
Making me laugh too.
'Assalamualaikum ladies'.
Both of our heads turned towards the door abruptly.
'Walekumassalam', we both replied simultaneously, smiling widely.
It was Amaan, who else?
I smiled again looking at him.
He came and sat in front of us on the single couch.
After some usual talk, Aunt Farah told Amaan too about Samya's proposal.
'Aunt Farah, who is the family?',
I questioned.
'Amaan your client Mr Ahmed, his wife Mrs Ahmed approached me today for the proposal.
And the addition here is that their daughter Yusra is Samya's friend an..',
'Yes, I met Yusra two days ago at the party, Samya introduced us', I interrupted.
'Hmm, Mr Ahmed's family was there at the party, but not the boy'. Aunt Farah said confirming.
'But mom, what about Samya? you didn't ask her yet isn't it?', this time it was Amaan, who spoke for the first time in this discussion.
'No, not yet.
I want the best for my girl, if only we think that Mr Ahmed's son, Yawar is good for her then only we'll ask her if she wants to consider it',
I and Amaan both agreed to Aunt.
'As far as I know, Mr Ahmed's family is good ma sha Allah, but about his son, I don't have any idea', Amaan confirmed.
'Yes, his son was in London from last two years, handling their new arm of the business, now when he is back Mrs Ahmed wants him to settle down', Aunt Farah added.
'But Aunt what if he is being forced?', I asked.
She smiled before answering me,
'Mrs. Dania (Mrs Ahmed) had already told me, her son himself has shown interest in Samya', as soon as the words left from Aunt's lips Amaan's head jerked up in her direction with a questioning and dead serious look.
'Calm down Amaan, I think the boy is good enough because he did not approach Samya directly, instead he talked to his parents and further you know', Aunt Farah explained.
But Amaan being "the brother", was not satisfied still.
Oh how much I like this side of my husband.
This is not the time to start again.
'Ok, enough now, let's go home we all are tired', Aunt said and stood up to leave.
'Mom?', Amaan called out innocently. Both, I and Aunt Farah turned to him again.
'Yes, Amaan?', Aunt Farah asked and he stood up too.
'Why can't we wait?', He asked.
Making us both baffled, she looked at me confused and then again she turned to him before asking 'about what Amaan?',
'She is still my little sister, mom',
'Oh my baby!!', she said and hugged her son.
I smiled at the scene in front of me.
Ya Allah, please keep my family always safe and sound.
'Let's not talk about this, we all know what has to be done', she said breaking the hug and wiping her tears from the back of her hand.
I'm leaving in my car, both of you come together', she said picking her bag from the couch.
'Aunt Farah, we will go together, please wait for a few minutes, let  me wrap up things here',
I asked I don't want her to feel alone.
Because she is not.
And from the corner of my eyes, I saw Amaan smiling.
'Oh! Dear, you don't have to bother you know?',
'Mom, we are going together', My husband stated making a final note.

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