Chapter 19

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Assalamualikum people, I'm back with another update.
This is a short one.

And let me know, you like it or not?

"In you, we have placed trust,
And to you do we turn in repentance,
And to you is our final goal."
                                         ~ Qur'an.

Amaan's POV

If only you know how I wanted to repent for what I did.
I made a mistake Zoha and I'm living the consequences, consequences of not having you around me, not having you in my arms, not having your smile to brighten me every time.
Your soul around me reminds me of my existence which brings me nearer to Allah SWT, I never meant to hurt you, you carry such a beautiful soul, my wife.

Consequences of not seeing you........
Consequences, when comes a time in everyone's life when we become infatuated with a single soul.
I'm infatuated to you, my love.

I  need an apology from you.
I love you, with my whole.
I hope you can forgive me...

I always thought to give you all the tender and care and provide you with serene and tranquillity I want you to feel my arms as your home.

Am I selfish,
To think so?

I know, leaving you at the time when you wanted me the most, you needed me the most, I was not there, it shattered me more into pieces so small, it destroyed us, I desolated us.

My heart never felt such remorse.
Never in my life, I would have thought of doing such thing to you, never in million years.

My head was rested on the bed since I sat on the marvelled floor, this room contains so many childhood memory.
I would always come here for some 'my' time.

I stood up and went to the washroom to perform ablution

After offering Isha salah and two more rakaʿāt of nawafil I went down in sujood, asking Allah for forgiveness.
I cried in sujood, for my wife, for our future, for us.

I want to say Alhamdullilah, for you have given me her.

I cried.
You have definitely blessed me with a woman that knows you and praise you.

I cried.
She challenges me to be a better man which encourage me every time to love her more.

I cried.
My head is bowed down today in front of you for only her, for Ya Allah give me the strength to make her feel love, peace, happiness and to cherish her like a gift she is.
The gift you have given me.

I pray to make our love pure, loyal, true with appreciations only to meet again in the hereafter, Jannah.

Ya Allah,
In you, we have placed trust,
And to you do we turn in repentance,
And to you is our final goal.

Ya Allah,
Give me the strength to pass through this.
Give me strength...

After getting up from sujood I sat there thinking nothing.
However, with the passing time, today's event clashes my head making me think about what is going on at home.
I had not gone there, I didn't have enough courage.
First time in my life I was scared.
Scared of what will she think of me.

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