Chapter 11

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"Yes, if you hold on to patience and piety and the enemy comes rushing at you; your Lord will help you with five thousand angels having marks ( of distinction ) ~ Qur'an.

Assalamualaikum people. How are you?
I hope for the good in sha Allah.
Allah fulfils every one's needs and deeds.
Enjoy the chapter (yeah yeah which came after so long😒😒)

Zoha's POV
Am I wrong?
It's okay Zoha!!

I murmured again to intensify my emotional spirit.
This was the only thought since the time I knew about Farheen.
After heaving a full fledged restless sigh, I sat down huffing on the bed, leaving my scarf to fall down on the floor which I was trying to fold.
I was being this freak'in delusional from past minutes, trying to calm my racing heart.

Trying to knock some senses into my disheveled mind, that I shouldn't have to assume things beforehand.
I don't know her, I never met her in my life, ya Allah! How could I be so....?
Ya Allah help me to be strong.
Yesterday when Samya asked why I'm not worried? How boldly I had said that I have tawakkal in Allah S.W.T and now I'm reacting totally different mahn!!
What happened to my spirit?
-Cat got your spirit or what dude?-
Zoha inside me asked.
Oh shut up will you?
I know I'm over thinking and I'm being a cry baby over nothing and..
My head turned towards the door only to be greeted by Amaan.

Walekumassalam, When did you came?', I asked baffled but
softly, standing up.
'Ammm.. when you were busy murmuring something under your lips', he said raising his left brow, explaining.
Oh my Allah!!
I wasn't loud isn't it? I panicked.
'Oh!!', I replied in a haste and before he could asked me anything I asked Amaan to change whilst I go get some snacks for him, since he is going to wait for the dinner to eat with everyone.
Amaan didn't said anything but he eyed me suspiciously, I know he didn't buy whatever I said.

I turned to leave from the room but only after few steps I bumped into ....Am...Amaan..? I furrowed.
'Aaoow..., when did you came here?', I asked rubbing my forehead, with an innocent face to be added, baffled too.
'What happened Zoha? why do you look so stressed today?', he asked holding my both arms gently.
'No!! I'm not, I'm ok...', I replied quickly faking a smile to him.
He nodded and stepped back allowing me to leave.
He didn't buy a piece of what I said to him,
Allah, please keep me sane.
May I live in peace.

I worked from home today, since I was in the bucket full of misery, I thought it would be better to stay home. I asked Nina to send me important files to check but I proved myself wrong as I did not even touched those files.
Since my head was full of nothings.

I was so full of efficiency today.
*note the sarcasm here*


I kept the tray on the table whilst Amaan came out of the washroom, wearing only free trousers and towel hanging around his neck.
'Huh??', I asked,
Oops!! Not again, I zoned out eyeing my husband.
Just. wow!!
'You know you were...?', he started,
'Yeah yeah!!I know and let it be, wear something or you will catch cold',
'Yeah yeah!! Why not',
He laughed out the conversation.
Leaving me smiling.
'Ok ok I'm not teasing you, ok?', I nodded.
'Zoha?', he called me with a straight face, while holding the glass of juice in his hand.
I looked into his orbs filled with concern but he said nothing and after few seconds he avoided the conversation with me, saying.
I was hurt but I knew what he was going to ask and my reply would have been the same -nothing-.
Without saying anything I left from the room.
Tears threatening to come like always.

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