The move

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*this is the author in 2019 giving a statement:: ok so as I reread this , I was honestly horrified by my writing. I made this book 3 years ago when I was 13, there has been many times I've wanted to just delete this book because it's honestly horrible in my opinion, but I kept it up here as a tribute to my first ever fully written book, no matter how bad u guys might think it is.*

Picture of Crystal⬆
Crystal's P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of my dad knocking on my black veil brides postered door.

"Princess wake up it's time to go"

I groan loudly

"You don't want to be late do u?

When My Dad said that I realized that today was my first day at school.
You see the reason I had to move from my old school to this school was because someone almost found out that I was the world renown street fighter "Toxic Paralyzer" and almost blabbed to the whole school , but i managed to keep the his mouth shut by a threat he know i would do, i was named the "Toxic Paralyzer" becuase when i strike my enemy once with a blow on any part of there body , that part of their body gets paralyzed and almost never recovers, now you know why there aren't as many street fighters now a' days.

And with that thought I got ready for school, i put on my usual pair of joggers , a big oversized sweater (so that nobody can see my stomach) i put on my round classes, a messy bun, pearl earings my best friend gave me,and for the finising touch i added greenish contacts.

This is not how i usually look, I am 16,so i'm like a junior ( i think) i usually have light hazel eyes with redish brownish( although i dyded it, my usual hair color is blonde) hair , and i have soft peach colored plump lips, Speaking of school I ONLY Have 20 minutes till school starts.

I slide downstairs(yes Slide)

"Morning my ray of sunshine"

"Morning Mom"

I grab a piece of toast and head outside

The butler is waiting outside the limo (did i forget to mention my family is like super duper rich)
My dad is a pro-wrestler, plus he owns arenas all over the world, My mom is also a retired street fighter , but right now she fights in my dad's arenas and models, my family knows that I am a street fighter and they are ok with it.

"I am going to just ride my bike to school- nevermind im going to walk"

My bike isn't your ordinary bike, it has boosters and it is electrically controlled.

"Bye Mr.Cuforton(the butler's name)

"Oh heavens no , Ms.Crystal i can not possibly make you walk to school"

"Mr.Cuforton it's ok im trying to act normal"

"Ok how about this, i drive you to your school , but I drop you off in the back so noone can see you"

"Fiiiiiiiiine, that'll work too"

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