Field Trip?

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As i said am doing a q and a and if you dont care just skip to the story.

@ari301201: how do you feel about each other?.

Crystal:   well, I honestly thought I liked him, but well now I don't even know anymore since I found out he knows my secret, so that means he only likes me because of it.

James: I still really like Crystal, even if she's made at me. I don't want her to see me as everybody else does, a player.

Will you ever date each other?

Crystal: oh hell no, what do I look like to you, desperate?

James: of course I would, at least I hope so, I mean doesn't the bad boy always get the nerd?

@ari301201 to Crystal: What will you do if Jordan is dead?

Crystal: Let's get this straight ok, I know Jordan is not dead......he just can't be. I feel it in my heart that he's not dead.

Are you going to school as Toxic paparlyzer now that James knows your secret?

Crystal: I'm not sure, but I sure as hell not wearing a baggy shirt and baggy jeans with pigtails anytime soon anymore.

(The questions for James will be posted along the next chapter


Recap: I realized who it was. Cam
              "What do you want"

               "Dude, I'm sorry"
Cam''s P.O.V⬇

"listen, I'm sorry, it's just that you can tell she has a lot of secrets and I don't want you to get your heart broken when you find them out" I apologized.

The whole apology thing I just said....... ya those were lies. The real reason is because I like Crystal too.

But you don't really think I would have told him that, do you?

James' P.O.V⬇

I accepted his apology, but I didn't feel like he whole heartedly said that. I can tell there is some lie around his words.

Cam left on a good note and I went inside my house. When I entered I went up to my room, locked the door to avoid any unwanted visits from any unwanted visiters, then proceeded to fall asleep.

That's labeled memories. Why bother even trying to go to it. Every time I do, the door just gets further and further away. No. I WILL know what's behind that memories door. I have this dream way to many times than necessary.

The Nerd Is Not Who She SeemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon