He Was Enjoying This

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When i arrived home i was beat of this day , i didn't even greet my parents who were ecstatic to see Mark back from college (he graduated early) ,i went to my room and the moment i opened my door the perfect chill room temperature , i plopped on my bed and felt my eyes get heavy and i let darkness consume me.


I woke up to the most annoying sound a person could ever hear,
That's right my alarm, i reached the side to go get it, but u didn't feel any thing. I realized my phone was on the other side of the room becuase I was charging it. I rolled of my bed and that landed with a "THUD" that really hurt any way when i was done grieving with the pain, I went to press dismiss on my alarm.

"C wake up your going to be late for school" said My brother Gray from his room

"No I'm not school starts in an hour!" I shout back


"Mark I never fall for that but you can keep trying if it will make you feel better"!

I got out of bed, went into my bathroom, stripped of my clothes, and got into the shower. I stood in the shower for about 20 minutes because I didn't feel like going to school. After I was done, I took a purple towel from the back of the door and wrapped it around my self, and I got another towel to wrap around my hair. I stepped out the shower and went to my undergarments drawer. I picked out a matching baby blue underwear and sports bra because I hate normal bras. The reason I hate normal bras is because 1.your nipple can easily slip out 2. You have to keep adjusting it 3. You have to deal with those metal prongs inside of them and 4. It is soooo much easier to put on and off. Anyway After I got my matching undergarments, I went into my walk in closet. The moment you step in you have a small jeep waiting for you on the inside so you can roam where you want to find your clothes. That probably explains how big it is. I decided not to take the jeep and walk around for a little morning exercise, by the time I was halfway there I sat down on the couch to look at the spinning clothes hanger, after A lot of spinning, I finally found the nerd outfit to wear. It was blue oversized overalls with a red turtle neck shirt and for my shoes I wore chanclas, I put my hair in two pig tails with hello kitty hair bands. I looked like.......well a nerd. To finish my master piece of I put on my big black rimmed classes that were obviously too big for my face.

I made my way downstairs only to be greeted by a eating Gray.

"Ugh C why do you dress like that at home but when you go to " The Fist" you look like a badass chick.

Just in case your wondering which your probably not "The Fist" is the name of the place where i street fight. Gray sometimes comes to watch me or do a few of his own battles. I am undefeated while Gray only lost one time and that was because someone played a cheap trick and brought out a knife. We are the most feared person there.

"I dress like this because you know there are a lot of people out there to get us for doing some "not so pleasant things" to their hand leader, so I don't need anyone finding out who I am and blowing up the school just because of a mistake i made"

I realized the breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"C sorry to interrupt your day dreaming but , you have ten minutes till we leave"

"Oh ya forgot pass me the syrup and a 6 buttermilk pancakes"

"Sure thing and why don't you ever ride with me to school"

"Do you not see how I dress, it would make you totally unpopular if you showed ul with me , plus it will blow my cover"

"C your acting like breathing will blow your cover, but pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassseeee"


"Ok how bout this, change into badass clothes you wear as "Toxic Paralyzer", you can drive me on one of your motorcycles that always use in street racing, them park it in the front of the school, then I get off looking totally cool, then you go park in the back of the school, then change back to your nerdy clothes somewhere else and when it's time to leave school, you put back on the clothes and drive us home"

"Gray girls already think your hot if you just blink"

"I know look at me, I just wanna make the school jealous that i know Toxic Paralyzer"

"wow you had this all planned didn't you"

"As always C"

" ok I get you plan But what if-"


"Ok fiiiiine just let me grab my-"

"Helmet" Gray said as he twirled my favorite helmet in this hand

"Ok let's go"

I change into my Toxic Paralyzer outfit. We make our way into my garage, yes I said my. Each of my family has their own garage, even Gray although he's not able to drive yet, but he still uses then for street racing. I grab my favorite motorcycle(shown at the top) . i call my motorcycle the "Toxic Cycle"

We get on the bike on Gray starts driving way over the speed limit to school be cause he begged me to let him ride. We parked at the front of the school where most of the students hang out. Their heads snap to my motorcycle and my helmet. My helmet had a chemical class and dark smoke design on it. Gray got of my bike and took of his helmet which looked absolutely perfect by the way. I love my helmets so much because they prevent helmet hair any actually help fix it. When Gray got off all I could hear was a mixture of squeals coming combined with freshman, juniors, and a little bit seniors. I mentally rolled my eyes. All I could see was girls eyes with lust and the guys eyes with amazement and jealousy.

I could tell Gray was enjoying this.


I will update the second part if we can get this chapter to 15 views.

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