Im James can we Bond

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Picture of Crystal's uncle⬆
Gray and I looked at the number and froze in as we saw what the text was and who sent it.(i know that this is not exactly what the other chapter said but im too lazy to look back)

This is what the message said:

Hey hows your legs, you better hurry up and heal so I can break them again. How's Gray does he still cry when he thinks about me. -Uncle Ted.

Uncle ted. Our worst nightmare. Let me explain, uncle ted was our abusive uncle. He was married to my dad's sister, well not anymore. My mom and dad went to California for a job and left us in the care of uncle ted for a whole month. The reason i am using ted instead of Ted is because his name doesnt deserve a capital letter. As i was saying, we were left in my aunty's and his care. Everytime my aunty used to go to work, thats when the pain began.

"No mommy and daddy please dont go" I said in my little 7 year old body.
"Don't worry, we will be back in just a month, we'll video chat everyday" said my mommy.
"Promise" I said
Mommy gave me a hug and she motioned for Gray to give her one too.
"Im only doing this because you told me too" Gray said trying to act tough,but it wasnt working seeing the tears in the corner of his eyes falling down.
*At Uncle ted's house*
"Bye" my parents and aunty said to each other.
"Bye kids ill be back, im going to work" my aunty waved as she walked out the door.
As soon as the door closed *whack* I fell to the ground holding my burning cheeks.
"CRYSTAL" exclaimed my brother Gray.
*punch* Gray fell to the ground curled up in a ball. The whole 4 hours of aunty being at work were us getting beaten and getting him food. This happened every time aunty left for work. Beat us, Order us, then beat us some more. Some days when he was really annoyed or pissed off, he would cut us, stab us,
He made sure never to harm our faces because my mom still face timed Gray and I everyday and when aunty came home he would make us put on long sleeves. After a month of this grueling pain, our parents came back, uncle ted promised he would kill us if we told, but we weren't afraid to tell. The moment we walked out the door, i told my mommy everything, and i showed her everything.
Flashback over.

I call him uncle bitch. After my mom told her sister in law a.k.a my aunty what happened, she divorced him and he was sent to jail. Its been 9 years since that happened, how did he get out so fast.

Gray and I just thought if this was a prank, we were shocked but not scared because we knew we could beat the shit outta him if he dare come near us.

*4 days later*

I finally got out of the hospital, but i still have to be on a wheel chair because of my disfigured foot. The worst part was i still had to go to school. I put my nerdy outfit- with a little help from Gray.

*time skip to school parking lot*
(Sorry for all the time skips*

Since my legs didnt wanna work, Gray had to illegally drive me to school, but lets be honest, we didnt care. Gray used my nice car, my Lamborghini to drive to school, so of course we got more stares. Gray got out of the car and ran over to the trunk. He pulled out the wheel chair, and wheeled it over to me. He opened the door and thats when he bridal scooped me from my seat onto the wheel chair. I heard some voices of pity, some saying "she's just using that for attention" and some saying "omg hashtag brother sister goals. Gray rolled me all the way to my locker, got my books out and rolled me to my class. "Riiiing" That was the late bell. I gave Gray an apologetic look knowing I am the one who made him late, but he shrugged it off. He opened the door and all eyes turned on me including the teacher. Their eyes widened at the casts on my feet and the wheel chair, but they could barely see the cast because a blanket it covering it.

"You can leave I got this" i told Gray, he just nodded ans left in response. I made my way to the middle of the desks but noone moved for me to roll through.
"Class make please" My teacher Mr.Magryto asked. Nobody moved. I sighed and made my way- no rolled my way over to the teacher's desk.
"Can i sit here" he simply nodded.

James P.O.V⬇

Wow, the nerd came in with a wheel chair on both her legs, i didn't know it was that serious.

"Hey James, i bet 5 bucks to use a pickup on the nerd" said one of my best friends, Cam.

"Ooh sounds fun" i replied back

Crystal's P.O.V⬇

"Class il be right back, i have to go to the office, behave"
Said the exiting Mr.Magryto.

The whole class was quit even after he left so of course I was curious why, i turned around and was face to face with someone's waist, i looked up and saw James. Ugh why is he infront of me i said in my head-well atleast i thought i did. "Tsk you better be glad your in my presence" James said clearly annoyed. Here comes my great acting skills, "I-I". "Forget it let's just get this over with" "huh" i asked confused "(cough cough) Hey im James, can we Bond" He said a little bit too flirty for my Liking. I just stared at him with a look of horror. "Ok dude you owe me 5" James said to who im assuming is his brother judging how they look like each other
*Time Skip To After Class*
I was rolling my chair to my next period when I started rolling on my own, i thought it was Gray so I said "Hey Gray, can you drive my motorcycle to the repair shop". "Um, im not Gray" I turned my head to see James looking at me with a look saying "you gonna tell me or what". "Im talking about a game" i said to cover up that little mistake I made. "Ook? Anyway im coming over to work on the project today, no questions" He just left, leaving me in the middle of the hallway.

*time skip to lunch*

I got my lunch and sat at the geek people's table since they have a field trip to the triathlon. I was about to eat my chicken when i felt a cold, slushy form dripping from down my head. I looked up and saw, guess who, that's right. Stacy. Fudging. Goldmine." Stay away from James
, he's mine" Stacy said, but not before slapping me to add salt to the wound. I couldn't do anything considering I was in casts so i tried to roll out. Again Key Word: Tried. My wheels slipped on the blanket covering my legs and My glasses and i went down along with the blanket. I screame in pain while the Cafeteria erupts with laughter. Gray walks past the cafeteria door and sees me on the floor crying and startes runnifn over. The only reason im crying is because my legs hurt some more. I was about to blackout when I heard "what is wrong with you people, she already is hurt and you made it worse, you guys are real bitches" I heard someone say, her voice sounded really familiar, but before I remembered where i heard that voice from, everything when black.


Hey guys, I updated this chapter because i reached over 1.k reads. Thank You to all my Readers, commenters, and voters. Do you think this story is going a little slow, if so should i make the events a little more rapid.

Btw i changed the picture on the previos chapter, the picture is now of Mason and Carter

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