Just Peachy(yes this is an update, IM BACK)

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"Put it in"I told him
"No, I'm still deciding where to put it in" he yelled back.
"If u don't put it in, then I will"
"Why are you so impatient"
"All you have to do is slide it in and your done"
Jordan then proceeded to slide the connect four piece into the slot blocking my win.

"I hate you" I frowned.
"Don't they all" Jordan smirked.

"So you like wanna do something today ,I'm pretty bored" He asked.
"Ya....how bout an arcade center" He suggested.
"Sure, let me just go ask Gray if he wants to go"
I ran upstairs faster than the flash to get to gray's room.I barged into Gray's room to wake him up. 
I removed the covers from over his head. He looked sick. His face was pale, he kept sniffing, and his hair was untidy.

"What" he groaned.
"Nothing" I said leaving the room.
"Sorry Jordan we can't go to the Arcade, I'm gonna have to take care of Gray" I apologized.
"It's ok, I should be heading home anyway, I'll see you later" Jordan waves as he left through the front door.

I went downstairs prepared to make Gray some tea when I heard a knock at the door.

"Did Jordan forget something" I wonders to myself.
I opened the door, ready to see Jordan, but it was far from Jordan.

"What are you doing here James" I snarled.
" I wanted to do something with you today" He said.
I scoffed.
"I'm surprised you would ask me something like that"
"Why is that"
"Well because if I remember correctly you're ashamed of me"
"You what"
"I'm sorry"
"You do know sorry doesn't fix everything right"
"I should have never said that, I thought-" he stopped.
"What did you think" I wondered, raising an eye brow.
"I thought if people knew you were with me then they would bully you more, and I don't want to see you get hurt"
"I'm more than capable to handle myself thank you very much"
"But really I'm sorry, from now on I will do whatever it takes to make you like me"
"You can try" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"What are you doing just standing there, you can come inside ya know" I said opening the door wider.
James stepped in without a second thought.
"What are you doing today anyway?"
I told him that my brother is sick and I'm staying to take care of him. Although I thought he would looked bummed out, he actually looked rather happy.

"Why are you happy about that"
"Because you can't let one thing hold your fun down, we can just have fun at your house"
"No buts, besides I'm an awesome nurse"
I slightly smiled at his kind gesture.

We made Gray his tea, soup, and gave him a thermometer for the day. When we went upstairs, he was already fast asleep. I just set the items next to his bed and tiptoed out of there.

James and I went into my room to watch a movie.

"Netflix" I asked.
He responded with a nod.
"How bout Dark Matter" I suggested.
"Already saw it"
"Already saw it"
"Vampire Diaries"
"Saw it"
"Fairy Tail"
"Saw and loved it"

I was getting frustrated.
"Why don't you pick something then" I groaned tossing him the remote.
He had a devilish smirk on his face.
My face widened in surprise and I snatched the remote from him.

"I'm changing it to Hunter x Hunter whether you like it or not"
"That's fine, I was planing to rewatch that anyway " he said laughing.

I laid down in my bed while he was on the bean bag chair a few feet away from my bed. My heart was beating as he kept scooting his bean bag closer and closer to my bed.
"What are you doing" I finally said.
"Trying to get closer to you, he said scooting the bean bag all the way next to my bed"
I rolled to the other side of the bed but eventually ended up falling off.

"ow" I said rubbing my forehead.
"are you ok" Jams said in between laughs.

"Just peachy" I faked smiled.
"Shhh the show is on" He said watching the tv like a child.

Ok I have good news !!!
Yesterday was my last day of school so now I will dedicate all my time into this book to make up for the many months I did not update for.

I will also speed up the book sort of because there is honestly too many chapters. When I started I didn't want a lot of chapters but look where that ended up 😂.

I have to reread my book also because I forgot who's who and who does what and stuff like that.


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