You remember Amanda right? PART 1

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My stupid ass physical expired today so I couldnt go to basketball practice today 😭

Pic of Jay/ Meggy 🔝
Btw I also changed to pic of Crystal)

Recap: Explain

"They're not mine" I stated

"Don't give me that bullshit" James yelled.

"Dude calm down" Justin said

"Let's go, you needa chill, we'll see you later Crystal" Jay said

James P.O.V⬇

(At James' house)

"Dude what the fuck was that about, why'd you get so mad" Jay yelled.
There was a silence.

"IthinkIlikeCrystal" I blurted out

"Say that again" Mason and Carter said at the same time while a smile was forming on their face.

"Do you really want me to say it again" I asked feeling quite embarrassed.

They just looked at me big smiles while nodding really hard.......well except for Cam, he just looked kind of frustrated. I sighed, "I said I think I like Crystal"

"Awww" They all said.......except for Cam again.

"She's not pretty in nerd form, but when I see her at her house, she's so hot, and something about her attracts me"

"My bro has a crush, that's so adorable" Jay said grinning.

"You barely know her or anything about her", Cam said chiming in.

"That's why I intend to learn stuff about her from our partner project" I told him.

"She doesn't look your type" Cam argued.

"Dude, why are you so against me liking her" I shouted back at Cam

"I'm not, okay?" Cam screamed then left my house , slamming the door.

"What's his problem" We all said at the same time.
The rest if the night we just watched sports and ate food.

*Time skip to Monday*

Crystal's P.O.V⬇

Ugh stupid school. I don't get why we can't have a 365 day break, every year. Another Monday means another day of getting bullied. I did my usual shower, ugly clothes, and ate breakfast. Gray and I are now at school.
You may be wondering where my parents or my older brother Mark is, well my parents went to California for a Job, and Mark went with them to help. (Sorry I didn't explain how this happened)

I was heading to my locker and saw Meggy by it. I started walking to her when Stacy did got there first. She poured her milkshake in Meggy's hair.  I was pissed at what just witnessed. "Pass that on to your friend Curtsy May your knees" I almost laughed on how wrong she said that, she might as well say bone apple teeth when she'd about to eat.

Meggy ran to the bathroom and I ran after her. I saw a smirk on Stacy's face as I ran past her. When I entered the bathroom, I was honestly shocked more.
"Pierce!?!?!" I asked.

"Oh shit" she said realizing I'm here, while trying to put her wig on.

" let me get this straight, you're Pierce but you're also Meggy" I explained

"Maybe" Pierce/ Meggy said probably waiting for me to get mad at her for not telling me.

"Oh, cool" I plainly stated.

"You're not mad?" She asked confused.

"Why would I be" I asked.

"OK.......... Toxic Paralyzer" She smirked.

"What are you talking about" I asked trying to play it off

"Don't give me that bullshit, I know who you are" She said still smirking

"Who told you?" I asked getting serious as I pinned her up against the wall, while she was barely breathing seeing as I was choking her.

"I can't tell you if I can't breathe" She managed to choke out.
I hesitated for about 10 seconds before releasing her from my grip.Once she caught her breath, I took no time in asking her questions.

"Explain" I demanded.

"Well first, nobody told me, I figured it out" She explained.

"How" i asked.

"You do realize you wear that necklace almost every where right, even when you fight, so I just put the pieces together."

I looked down at the necklace that was on my neck.
"I'll keep yours if you keep mine" I negotiated.
"Deal" She agreed.

We were about to leave when some girl came out of the stall,staring wide-eyed at us she ran into the hallway screaming"CRYSTAL US TOXIC PARALYZER AND MEGGY IS PIERCE". lmao, just kidding, no one was in the stall, ha tricked ya.

*Time skip to Lunch*

Meggy and I were sitting at a table when the intercom came on.

"Please send Crystal My to the office."

The whole cafeteria went "ooooooh"
"Nerd finally got in trouble" someone said. I walked out of the cafeteria with all eyes on me.When I came up to the office, I saw Gray and some other guy who had a black eye and a busted lip well at least great won the fight I'm guessing.
"I assume you can handle your brother" the office lady said "yes of course" I said as I took Gray out of the office we decided to skip school.

The moment we stepped in the house- "Why did you get in a fight" I asked

"I don't want to talk about it" he responded while walking away I gripped his hand and spun him around.
"Why you get in a fight I asked once again.
"Because he called me the P word." Gray said knowing he can't escape the wrath of a Crystal May.
"Gray you need to tell me why you hate the word pathetic so much" I demanded in a serious and demanding tone.

"Crystal don't start-"

"Grayson Alexander Dé Mernia(day mer-na) May" I said interrupting him.

You could tell this was serious, we never use our full first name, let alone our whole name, when addressing each other

Gray then signed in acceptance knowing that there is no possible way to get out if this situation.

Gray then said "You remember a
Amanda right?"


I have good news and bad news.

Bad news first- I couldn't fit the whole chapter in there because it would be waaaay too many words, like 2 or 3 thousand something.

Now the good news- since I couldn't fit it all, I am going to be updating part 2 this Friday. Yaaaay

You won't believe how frustrating it is when ever I put Cam, because auto correct keeps changing it to "Can" Im thinking I should just change his name to Can.

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