Maybe I don't want help

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As Jordan was pulling into the driveway, We saw James and Meggy sitting on our front porch probably waiting for us to come back.

We got out the car without saying a word to anyone. Dad opened the front door and walked in, followed by Jordan and Gray. I was about to walk through the door also, but got pulled back by someone's hands.

"So you guys are just gonna ignore us" James asked raising one eyebrow.

"I'm not in the mood" I replied.

"Hey where's your mom and Mark, I didn't see them come inside" Meggy wondered looking around.

I looked down and started crying, little sobs escaping my mouth at every moment possible.

"Hey don't cry" James said hugging me.

I couldn't stop crying, no matter how hard I tried. I.....just......couldn'

"Was it me? Did I say something" Meggy asked with sad eyes.

I shook my head no.

"I just wanna be alone" I croaked out as I released from James's grip.

"Please tell us what's wrong" He begged.

"We can't help you if you don't tell us" Meggy sighed.

"Maybe I don't want help" I coldy said.

Why am I acting this way.

Meggy gave me a questioning look and so did James.I ignored them both and went inside.

Stop acting like this. You know you want them to stay, but you don't want them to think your weak. Why don't you ever let people in. Oh ya, because behind the thick brick wall there's a even thicker concrete wall.

"What's up with her" I heard Meggy faintly ask James as I shut the door.

I walked up to my room and shut the door. Even though there is 4 people in the house, there isn't a single sound to be heard. I slumped into a corner and started crying my eyes out.

Why me. Why today. Why ever.

At the corner of my eye I saw a box. Gathering what was left of my strength, I crawled to the box and opened it. I looked in the box and saw that. Wow it's been a while, but this feels like the perfect time. I grabbed the sharp blade from the box, then i took a deep breath. I pressed the blade against my skin. Before the blade breached my skin, I heard my window opening. I quickly tossed the blade back in the box and slid it back under my bed. I got in a fighting stance ready to kick some ass. I picked up a pillow and through it at the perpetrators.

I heard a deep chuckle. Realizing who it is, I quickly wiped my face from any trace that I was crying. James tripped on my stool that was underneath the window, and face planting in my room. Meggy laughed at him, but soon after tripped on the same chair.

A little chuckle escaped my lips seeing my clumsy friends.

"Hey we made her laugh" James pointed out.

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