Their Stares

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After hours upon hours of driving, we finally drove into the city and I was breathtaken. I had never seen so many people in one place all at once before! There were huge buildings towering above overhead and palm trees lined the roads following the sidewalks. People skateboarding down the street, couples holding hands as they shopped along the strip and cars filled the roads. I was amazed at how new everything looked, the street signs, the shops, even the clothing people were wearing looked different... more... modern.

"Welcome to Los Angeles, California!" My mother sang as her eyes danced all over the new scenery. I laughed at how silly she was being, she was like a child in an adult's body. She looked over at me and smiled brightly, "Isn't is amazing Rain?" sighing after she calmed down a little.

"Yeah... It really is." I said not quite as enthusiastic as she was, though still amazed. We drove up to a tall apartment building, the moving van was there waiting for us. We hopped out of the truck and stretched our tiered legs. The air around us was warm and very different than the cool, brisk, ocean air I was used to; I had a feeling that living here was going to be very different. After the moving crew left our new apartment, my mother and I crashed onto the makeshift bed we created with all the pillows and blankets we brought with us in the middle of our new living room.

"Rain!" I was shaken awake by my mother as she started to pull off my blanket. I groaned and swatted at her to leave me alone. I was definitely not a morning person. It had been a few days after we got here and most of our stuff was put in its new place except for a few boxes that were left in the living room. My room was pretty big, and I used my free time in plastering the new walls with my posters. I had a bunch of book posters ( like Harry potter, Percy Jackson, The Hunger Games, Game of Thrones, etc) and I even put up shelves all along one wall that held my own personal library. I also hung up a bunch of little pixie lights on my ceiling. It reminded me of watching the stars back at the beach; a little piece of my old home. I quickly shooed my mother out of my room and got dressed in some tight black skinny jeans and a maroon t-shirt that had a bunch of holes along the seams (which I thought looked pretty good) and put on my dog tag necklace. I went into my new, private bathroom and tried to comb out the mess of long, black curls that were knotted on top of my head. I sighed in exasperation as I gave up trying to tame my hair. I looked in the mirror and saw a six foot tall, toned guy with tan skin, and black wavy hair that almost fell into stormy blue eyes and was framed with a very prominent jaw line. I was definitely not bad looking, but I had a certain... I don't know... edge, that made me stand out in a crowd. I just hoped It worked out in my favor here.

My mom drove me to the new high school that I would be starting 12th grade at. It was huge with tall, cement pillars that lined the doorways, benches and tables were scattered all over the front of the school and the front gardens were landscaped beautifully. I couldn't even begin to Imagine how many students there must be here! Christ, this place was like high school on steroids.

I waved to my mother as she left in the beat-up Ford, then made my way into the school. I walked around the school for what seemed like forever until I finally asked a teacher and they helped me find the office (which by the way, I had passed by about three times). I thanked them and went up to the window just as the bell rang for classes to start. Great. Already going to be late on my first day, God this is going to be painful.

"Hello?" I asked the lady at the office, my voice holding a slight hint of irritation.

"Hold on one second please." She said in a banal tone as she picked up the phone that was previously ringing. Really!? Now I'm going to be even more late... awesome, just awesome...

"What do you need?" The office lady spoke slowly in a monotone voice a moment later.

"Umm.. I'm new here... And I need my schedule..." I said slightly peeved at her sloth-like pace.

"Hum.." She said as she turned around on her chair to face away from me. Jeez, this lady really needs some lessons on manners. She eventually turned back around and handed me some papers then shooed me away from the window to find my classes. The only problem is that I had no Idea where any of these rooms were, and this place was freaking humongous!

I ended up walking around looking for anybody to help me, but everyone seemed to be in class by now so I was left to search the mammoth sized school for my homeroom class alone. I eventually found It at the far north end of the school (and naturally the last place I could look). I tentatively walked in after knocking and glad that the class was just reading their own books and the teacher was at his desk. I introduced myself to the teacher who said his name was Mr.Kinns and he gave me the novel study they were doing.

"Go find an empty seat at the back." Mr. Kinns told me and as I walked to the back of the room It felt like all eyes were on me.

I took a look around and saw that almost everyone in the room was staring blatantly at me... it was unnerving. I felt like something was off... was my fly undone? Was my hair messed up again? Did I step in dog crap? What was everyone staring at? I gave a dark scowl towards a girl that had her mouth wide open as I took a seat at the back by myself. She quickly looked away and I saw a bunch more students snap out of whatever trance they were in and face back forwards. To my relief Mr. Kinns didn't introduce me or mace a scene and just got on with the English lesson. This was going to be one long-ass day.

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