Your Love

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I woke up to Gus's raspy voice and my mother talking quietly with each other. Gus's body was still warm against mine but now I was cradled in the hollow of his chest, one of his hands loosely slung over my rib cage and my back was pressed against his stomach. My eyes opened to see a stark white room and the window let in bright sunshine which cheered the place up a bit. My mother was in a chair sitting in front of the bed, looking towards our faces.

"Oh, look who's up!" My mother said happily as she smiled my way. I could feel Gus's chest move with a deep chuckle as he stealthily tightened his grasp on my hips bringing me closer to him without my mother noticing. A slight blush crept up onto my cheeks as I realized that my mother must have walked in on me and  Gus snuggling in each others arms on the hospital bed. I looked up at Gus and saw the remains of a blush evident on his pale face, and yet he did not do anything to push me away or make it look less... intimate.

"How was your sleep?" I felt Gus say.

"Hmm..." I said sleepily, "Peaceful." My mum smiled and told us she was going to get us some coffee and that she'd be back in 30 minutes. As she walked out the door I caught her giving me a wink from across the room. I knew she was just leaving so we could be alone... well as alone as we could be with Gus's roommate peaking out of the curtains at us.

"Um... Hello?" I felt Gus wheeze from behind me at the boy who was staring bewildered at us, "Do you want something?" The boy looked confused and then took as small step forwards, past the curtains dividing the room. He was short, obviously young, around 9 or 10 years old and his arm was in a cast. His ginger hair  parted on the side and wildly curly and there were millions of tiny freckles across his pale skin. 

"You're a boy?!" The kid said while pointing the finger of his other hand at Gus as I cuddled against his chest. The boy's eyes widened as he took a brave step closer as if to get a better look at us.

"Yes?" Gus said confused as to what was going on.

"But he's a boy..." He said, pointing to me. Ahhh... now I knew what was going on. The kid was noting that we were both guys... in a bed cuddling with each other... had he really not seen a gay couple before? Did he not know there was such a thing? His face and voice were not accusatory, he seemed... generally just curious, awed even.

"Yeh, we're both boys." Gus's husky voice said as he shifted so both his arms were wrapped around me in a soft, relaxed hug.

"But you have long hair." The ginger boy said with innocent wonder.

"I do." Gus replied with a goofy smile.

"Why?" The kid asked him.

"Because I like it. It's fun to play with." Gus's smile was warming my heart as he kindly explained to the younger boy.

"Why are you in the same bed?"

"Why not?" Gus said with a  smile, "We're together."

"Like a couple?"

"Sort of." Gus said with a wink in my direction. I blushed as he continued.

"Why?" The boy asked again.

"Because people find happiness in different forms." I shifted up a little so I could see Gus's face, he was looking at me as he smiled and his arms gave me a playful squeeze. I let out a small laugh at this romantic boy.

"My Father told me that two boys together is not pure and that it isn't love, it's only sex." He said matter-of-factly. My eyes widened at that and I scoffed. What was so freaking wrong with a person that they had to corrupt someone so young with words filled with hate? Before I said anything rude to the child, Gus's soft, raspy voice cut in.

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