Goose Chase

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After school Gus met me at the elm tree. He stood tall, leaning his back against the trunk and in one hand was his old, red backpack and in the other was a lit cigarette hanging close to his mouth. He smiled at me as I walked up to him.

"Hey there Handsome." Gus's husky voice sounded as he gave me a little, playful smirk.

"Hey, you butt." I said laughing at his failed attempt to make me blush.

"Wow, okay. I see how it is." He said with mock hurt as he took a drag from his cigarette and coughed with a raspy wheeze.

"Fuck I thought that was over." Gus grumbled to himself as he exhaled twisting smoke into the air.

"It's not going to go away unless you quit, Gus." I said rolling my eyes even though I was worried about him. I just didn't want to ruin our date tonight with a fight about his bad habits at the beginning of it.

"Yeah, yeah." He huffed as he threw the butt of the cigarette onto the green grass and stomped on it with the toe of his ratty combat boot. "You ready to go?" He asked me, looking up with a sorry gaze. I nodded and slung my arm over his shoulders playfully to let him know I wan't angry with him and to let it go. He smiled as we started to walk together towards the street and away from the school yard.

"So where is this fabulous coffee shop you were talking about?" I asked Gus. We were far enough away from the school that Gus felt comfortable holding my hand, so we were walking down the busy LA streets hand in hand, comfortably open with each other.

"Hummm..." He hummed with his husky, smoker's voice, "We aren't going there just yet."

"Oh?" I said quizzically.

"You'll just have to wait and see!" He said in a happy tune, our arms swung back and forth between us playfully. He pulled my hand so that I was closer to him and he let go, only to wrap his arm around the small of my back, like a sideways hug.

"You are such a tease." I groaned, reminding him that I did hate surprises, but loved him so I was smiling. Then all of a sudden we heard snickers from behind us. Gus turned his head to look before I did and felt him tense up, when I looked, what I saw made my heart freeze for a split second.

"I knew it! They're Fags for each other!"

"Hey love birds, Going to suck some dick?"

"Fucking gross."


It was the same group of boys that had surrounded me that day, months ago... the football team. Matt was standing with wide eyes and a gaping mouth as he stared at Gus and I with our arms around each other. The looks of disgust, disbelief and hilarity were plastered on the boy's faces as they all laughed and snickered at us. I looked over at Gus for a split second to see if we should let go of each other but I just felt his arm get firmer around my waist and his body stiffen protectively. He was showing no sign of cowardice, his face was calm and collected as he guided me to turn and face the crowd of boys.

"Excuse me?" Gus said in a low, intimidating voice.

"Get a fucking room, Freaks." The biggest guy said as he stepped forwards, closer to us. I remembered him. He was the boy that stood me up and almost hit me behind the school, he was too strong for either of us to even think about taking on. Plus there were seven of them, strong, athletic, muscular, and only two of us. Even though I was muscular and strong, Gus sure wasn't. Sure he was tall, but he was thin and lanky, the only intimidating aspects of him was his voice and his height. If it ended up in a fight, we were doomed.

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