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I rode in the back of the ambulance next to the open stretcher where Gus lay on his back hooked up to an oxygen mask. The ambulance attendant held the mask to his face as she worked on the dials of the machine. I looked out the back of the ambulance and out of the small window that faced away from Gus's fragile body. I watched as the dark streets blurred past in a storm of bright white and red lights from passing cars and buildings. The siren roared over top of us and it wasn't helping the pounding that had started to drive a nail in my scull painfully.

When we were in the restaurant I felt numb and confused... I had no idea what was happening other than seeing Gus's pale, blank face fall with unconsciousness. My whole body was stunned with the dread of not knowing if this boy was going to make it out alive or if he was already dead and gone, limp in my strong, but shaking arms. But now, as we speedily drove down the highway and towards the hospital I was beginning to be aware of my surroundings. I noticed one of his fingers twitch and relief flooded though my body. The fact that Gus was still alive helped me to hold on. I had to fight withing myself to stay in this reality, I couldn't get swept away by the draw of a dream, of sleep, or of unconsciousness. I had to stay strong so I could be here for Gus when he woke up or needed anything. Sometimes when I felt my eyesight get hazy or my head start to sink into exhaustion, I would turn my head towards Gus's limp body sprawled out onto the stretcher. His white dress shirt ripped open and hanging on his sides as another reminder of this tragic night. Just above his heart were burn marks from the defibrillators when they tried to revive him. I still remember the sound of the metal rubbing together then a second later I heard a heaving zap of electricity pound into Gus's chest. 

When we arrived the paramedics slammed opened the doors and quickly pulled out Gus's stretcher and lifted him carefully onto a rolling bed and wheeled him through the emergency doors leaving me behind in the ambulance with my own thoughts. The ambulance attendant walked over to me and sat down on the edge of the floor beside me, our legs hanging off the side of the ambulance. She put a gentle hand on my shoulder to comfort me after putting a wool blanket over my shoulders to fight off the nearing cool night time air.

"Hey, he's going to be okay sweetie." She said apologetically. I looked at my trembling hands in my lap, I hadn't even known they were shaking... I guess I was still pretty out of it. I nodded at her words and I felt the onset of tears nip at the back of my eyes as I slouched forwards putting my head in my hands.

"Hun, we should probably move out of here so they can use it for someone else." Her eyes filled with a twinge of sadness as he guided me over to the side of the road and sat back down beside me.

"Do your parents know you're here?" She asked gently after a minute. Crap. I forgot about my mum. She still thought I was out on my fancy date...

"No." I said flatly, too tired and emotionally drained to be worried about that right now.

"Okay... would you like me to call someone?" I nodded at her words and I held out my phone as I put my head back into my large, shaking hands.

"What's your name Hun?" She said.

"Rain...Peters." I said shakily as I held back a sob. She smiled sadly as I gave her my mothers phone number and started to dial.

"Hello? Is this a parent or guardian of Rain Peters? This is an ambulance attender for the L.A Children's Hospital. Yes, he is fine ma'am..." I tuned out their conversation as I tried to think of where Gus was right now. Was he okay? Were they giving him an operation? Was he just sleeping in a bed with an oxygen tube attached to his face? I just wanted to make sure he was going to be okay, I just wanted to see his face, I wanted to see his smile again. Before I knew it the attendant was patting my back as I sobbed out my emotions on the steps of the Emergency entrance to the hospital. I just got him, I wouldn't be able to handle the loss of losing him.

Hours had passed since my mother arrived and took me into the waiting room. We didn't talk much, she just hugged me and held my hand as she attempted to comfort me. I wouldn't eat or drink for the fear of it coming back up my throat from the horrible, sick feeling that had been increasingly getting more painful in my gut. We waited into the night to hear any news of Gus. At around three in the morning a nurse came up to me and my sleeping mother. He looked over at her and asked if she were his guardian. I shook my head remembering how abusive and cold Gus's foster guardian was to him and a pang of sadness swept through my heart. They had not come. I told him I was his friend and he nodded motioning for me to wake my mother up. I looked at her sleeping peacefully in her chair and decided to let her get some rest.  

"Well, the good news is that he is going to be okay." I let go of a deep breath of relief as the words hit my ears.

"The bad news is August has a rare form of Airway-Lung Disease witch causes extreme narrowing or blockage of the airways resulting in asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. The feeling that is often compared to this sort of disease is that of only being able to breathe out of a small straw." I looked intently at the nurse as he told me the news. I was anxious to know if I was allowed to see him yet, but then reality set in and I remembered it was three a.m and my face fell.

"We had to give him some Zithromax which is an antibiotic that will regulate the inflammation in the airway and lungs. He will also have to be on inhaled oxygen for a few more days before he can be released." 

"When... When can I see him?" I said my voice thick with emotion. The nurse looked at me with a sad expression.

"You can see him tomorrow once he's gotten some rest, he needs to sleep now. Visiting hours start at 8am and go to 5pm. You are welcome to come then, but for now you should drink water, eat, shower and rest. He's been asking for you." The nurse gave me a sad smile and then turned around and walked back to the elevators. 

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