Hotel California

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Today was the day Gus was released from hospital. My mother dropped me off in the morning and I helped Gus pack what little of his things (mostly my things) he had with him and spent a few hours talking and snuggling until a knock at the door startled us and ended our quiet morning together. 

"Hello?" Gus asked out to the door as it opened. Amber's head poked into the room.

"You boys decent?" She asked in a serious tone.

"Yup." Gus said as he shifted his spot on the bed so we were sitting up beside each other. Amber walked in and behind her two women followed. They were both in casual clothing, blue jeans and t-shirts. One was dark-skinned and had a huge head of black, coarse hair, the other was fair skinned and had her light brown hair curled, trailing down her back. They both had soft, kind faces and were holding hands as the entered the hospital room.

"Gus, Rain, This is Kate-" Amber gestured to the brunette woman, "-And Amy Robinson." Amber gestured to the taller, dark skinned woman.

"Hello, nice to meet both of you." Amy said to Gus and I as we sat together on the bed. I looked up at Gus and he had a nervous expression on his face, I knew that he was still worried about going back into a foster home.

"I'm Rain, and this is August." I said to the women with a smile on my face. I got up and shook both of their hands politely.

"Gus." I heard a small voice say from behind me. I turned around to where I left Gus on the bed and realized that he had gotten up as well. He was standing up behind me, almost like I was his shield, he was acting very timid. I smiled at him to try and make him feel a little better, he gave me a small smile back.

"Well Gus, we are very excited to meet you, and we really hope that you will like it at our home." Amy said to him.

"Yes, and we have three kids, two foster boys, twins named Ethan and Elliot, and our daughter who we adopted when she was three years old, Megan. I'm sure you will all get along you are all about the same age." Kate said, the two women were still holding hands, which made me feel better, and I know it was making Gus less paranoid. 

"We even have a little dog, His name is Pete, he is a little Yorkshire terrier. He's really sweet, I'm sure you will like him too." Amy said with a smile. After a while Amber left the room so Gus could talk with Amy and Kate before they left to go to their home together. I offered to leave too but Gus quickly grabbed my hand and his eyes begged me not to leave his side, so I ended up staying.

"So how did you two meet?" Amy asked us casually.

"We met at school." I said to the women.

"Under an elm tree." Gus added with a small smile, looking into my eyes.

"That sounds romantic." Kate said with a grin.

"It was." Gus said with a smile. Over the last hour we had all been talking and Gus had started to open up a little bit, he was coming out of his protective shell, and that made me really glad to see.

"Well, we should probably go. The hospital said they needed this room by 1:00 and it's almost time. What do you say we head out?" Kate proposed. I felt Gus's posture stiffen beside me, I could feel the fear of leaving with strangers without me. I looked over at him trying to calm him down with a gaze, but all I could see in his eyes was panic.

"Rain? Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?" Amy asked after she noticed Gus's panicked expression.

"I'd love to." I said with a small smile, looking at the kind woman. After that I eventually got Gus to stand up and the four of us made our way down to the parking lot and got into a minivan, driving off.

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