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I looked to see If Gus had left any messages, but unfortunately there was nothing. I tried to call him back but it went straight to voice mail. My spinning head didn't make it any easier to try and calm down, my heart was racing and my hands were shaking uncontrollably. My mother walked in to me freaking out and even her desperate attempts of comforting me failed. I sent Gus multiple messages telling him that I was worried and asking if everything was okay. I even asked my mum to drive me over to his house, but she couldn't because she had to head back to work. So I was stranded on my own with my new head injury and a heart that was breaking with worry. I tried to pace in my room but soon my head started to make the ground wobble under my feet and I was afraid I would fall, so I sat back in my bed.

I was waiting there in my room, suspense hanging in the air as I watched the clock tick on my dresser. I was holding onto my phone tightly, waiting for a phone call from Gus, a text, anything.

It was late after my mother had come home and went to bed, around three in the morning when I got a message.


My eyes burned into the screen as panic started to form in my stomach. Where was he? What was going on? How could I help if I was in this state? I could barely walk on my own! I typed back quickly.

Where are you!? It was a few minutes later when he replied.


Where outside?! Gus are you okay!?

Look outside.

My heart was racing as I got up off of my bed and onto the spinning floor, looking out my widow. I could make out a hunched body leaning against the wall of the building. My eyes opened wide and I texted Gus.

I'm on my way!

I tip toed out of my quiet apartment not wanting to wake my mother and I carefully made my way down to the bottom of the building without falling on the spinning floor. I opened the front doors and walked out to Gus's hunched form.

"Gus!" I whispered loudly at his weak body. He moaned a response and as I got close to him I saw all the bruises and marks along his pale face and arms.

"What happened?" I said, emotion filling my words. I wrapped my strong arms around his fragile form and hugged him tightly. His face pressed into the crook of my neck which made the muscles on my back, shoulders, and neck writhe in pain, but I kept hugging his shaking body. I heard him whimper into my skin as I rubbed one of my hands on his back the way that we do when either one of us is distraught. Seeing Gus like this made my heart ache more than double of all the pain I had. Tears started to brim in my eyes as he started to speak.

"I...I'm so sorry." He sobbed into my t-shirt as his shoulders shook, "It's all my fault Rain, It's all my fault!" He cried softly, holding me close. I continued to rub his back until he calmed down and stopped crying. He looked up at me, tears still leaking on his blotchy cheeks.

"What happened?" I asked again as he loosened his grip on me.

"Can we go upstairs?" He said avoiding the question. I nodded, but that was a bad idea because it made the world around me go fuzzy with pain. I tripped on the spinning ground and I felt a pair of arms grab me just before I hit the cement. I looked up at Gus as he struggled to hold the both of us up. What a mess we were, really. We were both limping, and hobbling up the stairs to my apartment. As we reached the door I pulled out the key and quietly opened the door into the dark hallway of my home. We made our way as silently as we could to my bedroom where we both fell onto my bed with exhaustion. After a moment where we both took a rest and breathed, we got into my covers and laid next to each other resting our heads on the same pillow. I heard Gus breathe out a sigh and I looked over at him.

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