Part Seven:

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Part Seven:


Song For The Chapter:

Over Again by One Direction


-Celeste's Point Of View-

We sat in silence longer than I expected. After my outburst we sat on diffrent chairs and didn't talk at all. The awkwardness that usually surrounded us was still there but it was more suffocating this time. Austin cleared his throat and slapped his hands against his tighs--I flinched but quickly regained my posture.

"I-" I begun brofre stopping myself, "Sorry for yelling and causing a scene." He nodded and stood up, walking over so he stood over me. I looked at Austin's extended arm, "What?" He sighed and took a hold of one of my hands, pulling me up with him.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a tight hug. I was caught by surprise at first but awkwardly hugged back and patted his back. Hugging wasn't really something I did on a regular basis, and hugging Austin just made it even more uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry."

"Its okay--I don't need pity. I'm okay, I have been for years now." I reasured him.

"No, please, just hear me out," He hugged onto me tighter, making me feel much more uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm not just saying it, I mean it too."

"Stop, please. That's in the past now and it doesn't matter any-"

"Just listen, pleasea. I didn't meant to ignore you, and forget about you--I don't know what I thought. I just--I-- I don't even know. It just became a habit, and I stopped visiting and talking to you.

"You don't need to apologize," I whispered. It was a lie though. I wanted him to talk, I wanted to hear his side of the story, his reasons.

"Stop being so damn stubborn and please listen. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you most needed me--when everything was falling apart. I started hanging around diffrent people, and things just happened so fast; I lost touch with what was real, and who was ever really there for me." He tooka pause and continued when I didn't speak up.

"I moved to Miami, and lost any sort of connection between us, but I came back after almost a year. We started high school and I remember seeing you--you didn't say anything though. I just assumed you forgot about me, didn't know who I was, or just ignored me. You seemed so much happier, so I just didn't try to talk to you." He loosened his grip around my shoulders and pulled back to look me in the eye.

I was at loss for words for once. Everything that had happened seeemed like one big missundestandment. I didn't say anything for a while; I felt as if I did, nothing would come out. Silenced washed over the small space and the only sound was the clock ticking in the corner.

"I wasn't happy." I finally admitted. He looked up again and waited for me to continue. "I mean, on the outside it seemed like it, but deep down inside it all just hurt--the mirror can lie." I said quoting my favorite song, Believe In Me.

"I guess the reasons I didn't talk to you were the same as yours: I just thought that you didn't recognize me, forgot me, or just didn't want to be friends anymore. I don't know." I shrugged.

He pulled back and stepped away to the table on one side of the room. "I'm glad we got to finally talk after years." He admitted.

"Me too. Me too."


The week passed by slowly, but we managed to get more work donw. Bits and pieces of it came together, and we had a decent chorus. As time went by, the days got hotter, and we spent more time in the small studio. It was the same routine for about a week and a half now: get out of school, drive here, work on our song, hang out, and finish homework. The awkward silences were still there at times, but they didn't make much of an apperance now.

The music coming from my phone played softly on the table where it was charging. I tapped my foot along to the ruthum and hummed the lyrics as I did my English homework. The door was wide open, allowing warm air to come in and the bright sunlight to illuminate the room.

"i"m back!" Austin yelled as he set a bag down next to my phone.

He had left about twenty minutes ago to a nearby corner store to buy some food.

"This is for you," He set down a bottle of Brisk: Lemon Iced Tea, and pulled out a bag of Takis (1)

"I thought you were just getting food for yourself?" I opened the bag and took two chips, eating both at the same time.

"Well, I don't see you objecting." I opened the iced tea and took a long sip.

"Thanks though," I said after my drink. "I just find it kind of creppy how you know my favorites."

His laughed echoed around the room making me crack a small smile, "I use to see you eat it when we were younger, so I just assumed you still liked it." He simply shrugged, and pulled up a chair next to me.

He took a few chips from my bag, and pulled out notebook from his backpack that was under the table. I turned my attention back to my homework, and circled a few answers I was sure were correct.

"Hey...could you...uh...could you help me on this problem?" He pointed at the worksheet on the table with all but one problem completed.

I turned my body, so I was facing him and looked at the problem. It was a simple problem that he turned into something difficult. I used my pencil to erase the incorrect work he had done, and turned to look at him.

"This is a simple equation--its not as hard as you made it seem." I got my pencil and pointed it out. "Subtract those two numbers and then mulitply it by that ten." He did what I told him to do, and I watched. He finished the first part quickly, but soon stopped in confusion.

"This is where I keep getting stuck." He pointed at the paper, and looked at it in concentration. He furrowed his eyebrows and tapped his pencil against his notebook in frustration.

"Just set the equations equal to each other and move all the x's to one side and all the numbers to another." He did it, and quickly finished the equation with the right answer. "Its correct."

He smiled and closed his notebook, putting it away in his backpack. "That was pretty hard."

"C'mon Austin! You learned this sophmore year--get it together." We both laughed and fell into silence.

"You should consider being a teacher."

I tried hard to not laugh, but failed. "That's a good joke." I said in between laughs, "but I'd rather not. I'd most likely end up strangeling a kid or something." I shook my head at my own words, "Don't doubt it either."

He laughed at my words and spoke up, "We'll work on it--your friendliness, and my terrible math skills."

It seemed like today was just full of laughs, and not as much awkward.

"How'd you even pass math? You're terrible at it!" I exclaimed.

He simply shrugged and wipped imaginary dust off his shoulder, "I have my ways." He leaned back in his chair and propped his feat up on the table.

I shook my head and shoved his feet off the table, "Whatever, just hurry up and finish whatever work you have left; we have more writting to do."

He groaned and shoved all of his notebooks into his backpack.

"Hand me my spiral, we have a busy afternoon."


_Author's Note_

idek, man. this chapter was short, and not much happened. sorry, alexia wanted me to update so i did. :)

umm, FOLLOW MY TWITTER: @PropsAndMahone and tweet me and stuff!

Nothing Is What It Use To Be (Austin Mahone Fan Fiction // Completed)Where stories live. Discover now