Chapter. 8

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Tony has signed on.

Loki has signed on.

Clint has signed on.

Clint: Pepper owes us an apology. ; C

Tony: Right when we find her she should cook us a meal!

Loki: Haha.

Tony: How ya tats going?

Clint: Natasha almost seen my I forgot I had it for a sec.

Avengerscrazygal has signed in.

Tony: o. o

Loki: Who is that?

Avengerscrazygal: Oh MY GOSH!

Clint: o. o

Loki: Should we be afraid?

Avengerscrazygal: LOKI! I LOVE YOU!

Loki: um stark?

Tony: I guess Fury wasn't lying anyone can create an account.

Clint: Loki has a fan Lmao

Avengerscrazygal: I LOVE YOU ALL ;)))).

Tony: And we love you random citizen!

Avengerscrazygal: I can't wait to tell everyone I talked to the avengers!

Loki: Yes, you should be proud.

Avengerscrazygal: I must get the others to make accounts ill be back<33333.

Avengerscrazygal has signed off.

Loki: Well that was slightly frightening.

Tony: Rofl you will get used to it playboy.

Clint: I wonder who is the better playboy? Tony or Loki?

Tony: Not even a caparison.

Hulk has signed on.

Steve has signed on.


Tony: How did he even make an account?

Steve: He got upset about Pepper I think.


Tony: You are not going to get anywhere big guy keys are to small.

Clint: Lmao!


Tony: Well that was rude t (^. ^t)

Loki: I'm going to go before that person comes back.

Loki has signed off.

Steve: Person?

Clint: Loki has a fan girl.

Steve: In that case I will leave as well. Hulk.

Hulk: HUH

Steve: Come.

Hulk has signed off.

Steve has signed off.

Tony: She will be sad if she comes back and we are not here.

Clint: Eh… Ima go and see if I can find the dinocat.

Tony: I don't have ruby slippers so I don't know if I can get to Oz.

Clint: *Facepalm*

Clint has signed off.

Tony has signed off.

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